Learning & Teaching News


New Semester’s Eve - Exam Feedback


On Tuesday 13 June after the exam period, students in Years 10-12 engaged in exam feedback with their subject teachers. Filled with trepidation, students attended classes where they received their completed, physical exam paper and were able to reflect on their performance under the guidance of their subject teacher.


It is important for students to receive exam feedback as it is an essential part of the learning process. It allows students and teachers to identify strengths and weaknesses, providing an opportunity for growth and future improvement. Reviewing the exam paper, students were encouraged to pay attention to areas where marks were lost, understand their mistakes and the concepts they need to work on further. Learning from mistakes and understanding what went wrong can help students to avoid similar mistakes in the future. Embracing exam feedback will help to build resilience and ultimately become a more successful learner.


The day provided students with the chance to seek clarification if they had any doubts about the feedback they had received. Students were provided with strategies to improve their knowledge and evaluated their study techniques. 


Based on the feedback and evaluation of results, students should create an action plan for future exams. Students are encouraged to set measurable and realistic goals for improving their knowledge and skills in the areas they found challenging. Seeking additional resources that can help them learn including, tutoring sessions, VCE revision lectures, Edrolo, practice exams and more are recommended.


Students should monitor their progress regularly by assessing their performance on practice tests, quizzes, and other assessment tasks. Keeping track of their improvement and adjusting their action plan, if necessary. Students are urged to stay positive and remember to maintain a growth mindset, celebrating their achievements along their learning journey.




New Semester’s Eve – Year 9 Try-A-VET Day


The other significant event on New Semester Eve is the Year 9 Try-A-VET Day.  This is an opportunity for students to travel to both campuses and learn of the amazing choice of Vocational Education & Training (VET) subjects that are on offer both here at St Peter’s and also off campus. These courses are open to students in Years 10-12 and usually involve a day commitment.  When we run them at the College, they are significantly cheaper to access but still high-quality courses that provide pathways for our students to a huge variety of trades and employment opportunities. In the upcoming Subject Selection interviews for students going into Year 10 early next term, please consider asking more about VET opportunities for your child.


Year 12 study periods


In Semester 2 there has been a change of the days and times for Year 12 study periods.  This will result in a more equitable distribution of studies for VET students who are out of class on Wednesday and Fridays.  This affects all students doing a VCE Unit 4 subject.

Please note that from this week study periods will be as follows:


Day 3: periods 4 & 5

Day 5: period 5

Day 10: periods 4 & 5


A Year 9 Learning Experience

Attending the Thriving Minds conference at Scotch College proved to be an enlightening experience that significantly influenced my perspective on education and myself. 

We explored diverse subjects such as STEM, happiness, and epistemology.

The STEM sessions delved into the intricate relationship between Big Data and AI and the extraordinary possibilities presented and the ethical quandaries they entail.

The Science of Happiness shed light on evidence-based research. The scientific revelations regarding the factors that truly contribute to human happiness led me to personal reflection on how to lead a more fulfilling life by scientific principles.

The study of epistemology, engendered a profound reevaluation of my understanding of reality and knowledge acquisition. The realisation of the existence of a perceptible "gap" between personal experiences and objective reality emphasised the importance of critical thinking and intellectual humility.

In summary, the conference fostered a sense of curiosity and eagerness for further knowledge. It revolutionised my approach to learning, encouraging interdisciplinary connections, critical analysis, and substantive discourse. The sessions not only offered fresh perspectives on the world but also underscored the significance of nurturing an environment conducive to inspiration and intellectual growth within educational institutions. The Thriving Minds conference provided an invaluable platform for students like myself to flourish, and its enduring impact will continue to shape my educational journey.

Sheetal Devi Kumar

Year 9 Clyde North Campus


External Challenges throughout the semester.

St Peter’s College would like to share the incredible accomplishments of our exceptional learners this semester. They have had the opportunity to participate in various curriculum-specific competitions, showcasing their knowledge and skills in various disciplines. The Australian History Challenge, The Australian Geography Challenge, and the Big Science Challenge were the highlights of these competitions, and we are eagerly awaiting the results.

The Australian History Challenge brought together our bright minds to explore and demonstrate their understanding of Australia's rich history. Our students enthusiastically embraced this opportunity, delving into significant events, and the diverse cultural tapestry of history. Their dedication and passion for history have undoubtedly shone through their efforts.

In the Australian Geography Challenge, our exceptional learners showcased their geographical expertise. Through this competition, they expanded their knowledge and fostered a deeper appreciation for the natural wonders surrounding us.

Additionally, our students participated in the Big Science Challenge. This competition encouraged critical thinking and problem-solving. They displayed inquisitive minds and eagerness to explore the realms of science. More Science competitions will occur throughout the year.

Students who willingly offered themselves to participate in these competitions are highly commended. Their commitment to academic growth and eagerness to embrace challenges is a credit to them. These experiences go beyond the traditional classroom setting, enabling them to develop vital skills such as research, analysis, and effective communication.


We wish all students a restful and rejuvenating break over the winter holidays and hope that you can enjoy some quality family time together.  Term 3 will begin on Tuesday, 11 July.


Natasha McKenzie                                              David Hansen

Middle Years Curriculum Leader                Deputy Principal - Learning and Teaching

Cranbourne Campus