Thank you Marisa and Marianne

L-R Steph Quinn, Adelina Melia-Douvos, Marianne Cassin and Marisa Reid
L-R Steph Quinn, Adelina Melia-Douvos, Marianne Cassin and Marisa Reid

At the recent High Tea, we bid farewell, but not goodbye, to Marisa and Marianne, two much loved Alumnae Committee members  who have resigned from their positions in line with the Alumnae Constitution rules of service. Their commitment and passion for the Alumnae Association is unparalleled and we will miss their energy, enthusiasm and hard work at our meetings and events. 


Their contributions to Sacré Cœur and the Alumnae Committee are immeasurable and, there are no better words than those of Janet Erskine Stuart, who said “let gratitude be the dominant note of our thanksgiving!”

Marianne Cassin (1977)

Marianne served on the Alumnae Committee for 13 years in many roles including nine years as Secretary, three years as Co-President and this last year as a non-office bearing committee member.


The current format of the annual High Tea was championed by Marianne after starting out as  a smaller affair. She helped to grow it to the special event it is today attracting over 100 alumnae. 


Another part of Marianne's legacy is her constant encouragement of our young Alumnae to begin early, attending events and serving on the committee. She welcomed them to be involved as soon as they walked out the gates of Burke Road at the end of Year 12, and our committee now boasts many more younger alumnae thanks to Marianne.

Marisa Reid (Galli 1983)

Marisa was a member of the Alumnae Committee for 13 years steering the Association smoothly through many great times including six  years as President.


She has given so much of herself to the Association and led with great dignity, due diligence and grace, always keeping faithful to the traditions of what the foundation, vision, governance and goals of the Alumnae Association are.


Marisa is a true champion and a beating heart of Sacré Cœur. She is involved in everything from making endless scones to serving cups of tea and coffee at every event.


We are very grateful that she will continue in her role as a member of the School Board and the Chair of the Community Council, faithfully serving the school community.