Careers Breakfast welcomes 

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Our alumnae are certainly making their mark on the world! 

Joining us at our Careers Breakfast on 25 May were 27 exemplary alumnae, who shared their career journeys since leaving Sacré Cœur, with our Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 students. While their individual paths varied considerably, their collective advice touched upon themes of persistence, following your heart, making the most of opportunities and you don’t have to have everything figured out completely just yet! 


There is so much wisdom to be gained from the life experience of our wonderful past students. We recognise the valuable resource that our amazing alumnae offer in acting as role models and providing support for our students. We sincerely thank all the speakers who generously gave their time in preparing their table conversations. The Kirby was a buzz as our students engaged so meaningfully with their Sacré Cœur mentors. 


Our Cor Unum spirit shines brightly! 

Pauline Steedman

Careers Counsellor