From the Alumnae President

Gemma Rice Van-Heer

The Alumnae committee has had a bustling few months with back to back events keeping our cups filled and connections strong. 

We held our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 4 May where we sadly bid farewell to two beloved and long standing committee members, Marianne Cassin and Marisa Reid. Both held president and office bearer positions and have been major change agents in shaping the committee to its current position. Whilst we said goodbye (for now) we also said hello to new committee members! 


In a fitting celebration, just a few weeks later, we held our annual Mass and High Tea which saw our largest ever attendance. The event has grown each year and is a testament to the Cor Unum spirit which binds long after we finish Year 12. The Kirby Centre was buzzing with echoes of laughter and previous memories being reminisced across the generations present. 


Both of the above were bookended with reunion events, a favourite of many alumnae and a perfect excuse to get together over a glass of champagne. 


We hope to see you at an Alumnae event soon!

Steph Quinn (1985) steps down as Co-President

After two incredible years as Co-President, Stephanie Quinn has decided to step back from an office bearing position, but remain an active member of our Alumnae Committee. Steph has been a passionate Co-President, with a keen focus on governance. Notably Steph was involved in the drafting of our charter which was successfully passed during her Co-Presidency. Further, Steph contributed to the Janet Stuart Bursary joining with the Kathleen McCarthy Bursary and moving the Bursary from the Alumnae Association to the governance of the Foundation. This involved a great amount of care and Steph, along with other members of the Alumnae and Foundation, worked tirelessly on this project. 


On behalf of the Alumnae Committee I would like to thank Steph for her time as Co-President; her pragmatism, humour and big heart have made being Co-Presidents a pure joy. I am looking forward to seeing her still on our committee and am grateful for her friendship. 


Cor Unum

Gemma Rice-Van Heer (2014)