Dean of Senior Years

Mrs Kate Pacey

Kate Pacey
Kate Pacey

Year 10 Learning and Exam Block

Cohort meetings at the beginning of Semester 1 introduced Year 10s to the shift they could expect in picking up the preparatory subjects. Here they learned that they would have repeated exposure to the modes of assessment in each subject should they continue into Years 11 and 12. They reviewed the Instrument Specific Marking Guides (ISMG criteria sheet) which they are to use as one of many tools to support their learning. It has been such a privilege to see students engage with high impact study strategies and partner with their teachers to seek and respond to feedback. In Semester 1, Year 10 students are introduced to the Senior Phase expectations for Exam Blocks which offer greater flexibility to work from home; utilise the ICentre before, between and after exams to study; and access teacher support as available. These expectations for exams build a culture of growing independence which correlates to the task conditions built into the Senior syllabus documents to come in Years 11 and 12.  The Year 10 cohort are to be commended for the maturity with which they have engaged with this process. 

Year 10 into 11 2024 SET planning

Year 10 students have had very strong exposure to post school options and Careers advice in both Terms 1 and 2 this year, a continuation of career opportunities in the Middle Years Phase. A visit to the University of Queensland; exposure to a vast array of industry at the College Careers Expo; Vocational Education and Pathway presentations; a detailed report delivered to each student at the completion of the Morrisby Careers Survey which seeks to assist students to understand their strengths and the sort of study and careers options that align based on results in a report format; and cohort meetings and parent information evenings which unpack the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and pathway options available are just some of the many opportunities which have allowed students and their families to prepare for the SET planning meetings with mentors in Term 1 of Week 3. Information about the SET planning process was sent out in the lead-up to the Information Evening to parents and students. 



Access to the Senior Subject Selection handbookis now available on MyMtA. Students this week have had an additional cohort meeting to learn how to complete the SET plan form in time for the submission deadline next Thursday 22.06.22 9.00am. 


Year 11 Unit 1 and Progress Review

All Year 11 students have been working to credential for their Unit 1 QCE point this Semester achieved through an overall result based on two assessment items. At the beginning of the year, we gathered with the Year 11 cohort to consider the cohort profile around critical elements such as academic data, engagement, and attendance in order to set goals which apply to all students. In Term 2, cohort meetings dug a little deeper into a ‘3 Point Strategy’ focused on understanding the success criteria, getting organised, and working smart by employing high impact study strategies. Students in Year 11 are to be congratulated for the diligent and targeted approach they have taken to their studies at this important marker in the QCE journey.  At the close of each assessment cycle, all results across subjects are reviewed, as is progress in Certificate and Diploma courses. Where a student is behind in their VET work, and/or achieves at 50% or below in General and Applied subjects posing risk to their QCE point now or in the future, the College works to meet with students and parents to review what the strategies the student has employed thus far, and consider next steps. These meetings will take place across the pupil free Week 10 Term 2 and in Week 1 Term 3. Partnership is fundamental to good outcomes for students, and we are committed to ensuring that students are offered advice that allows them to feel agency over their learning journey which ultimately leads them to their post school aims. 

Year 12 …where to next?

The Year 12 Cohort have been working very intentionally as they come close to finalising the last Internal Assessment (IA) items in General subjects. Students have continued the work of being responsive to previous exposure to assessment modes , and applying feedback in order to seek growth in results across Applied and General Subjects. Term 2 into 3 sees many students finalising their Certificate and Diploma studies, and completion of all work in Religion and Ethics. A great number of students are preparing for the now published External Exam block scheduled by the QCAA in Term 4. As students move into their final semester in their Senior journey, consideration is given the varied needs of all students on the basis of their pathway. 


Please find a link to a very important communication sent home (via MyMtA, the App and email) to students and parents which offers details for what lies ahead.