Grade 5 - 6
The Grade 5/6s have been doing some absolutely incredible work the past 2 weeks.
In reading, we have been looking into biographies. Students have been reading biographies and identifying parts of their structure and style of writing. It has been a great time reading about so many different interesting people. They have also been practicing their summarising skills, reading texts and taking out the most important information.
The grade 5/6s took home interview sheets to ask someone in their family lots of questions about their life. After finding out the different journeys and pathways their family members have been on, the students used this information to create some amazing biographies. We have seen texts about parents who have moved countries, grandparents who have works all kinds of jobs and older siblings who have just started their adulthood journey.
Last week, we looked at Money in Maths, some students working with coins and notes to work out transactions and others creating financial plans. Students had the chance to work out how money is spent and how to calculate change. The week prior, we looked at Fractions and Decimals. Fractions and Decimals are a big focus in Year 5/6 and our students have been working hard to understand them further.
5/6 Sport
The 5/6s proudly represented our school in another round of Interschool Sports. Playing against Coral Park, they managed to win every game across all sports. We are so proud of how our students have been putting in their best effort into these sports and working hard on both their skills and their sportsmanship.