Grade 3 - 4
In Reading this week, students have been learning about types of sentences. We focused on simple and compound sentences, exploring what an independent clause is and what is needed for it to be an independent clause. The students quickly caught onto this and enjoyed writing simple sentences using a picture prompt. We then moved in adding a coordinating conjunction to explore writing compound sentences. By the end of the week, students were able to identify the difference between the two sentences and write them based on different prompts. Next week, students are looking forward to moving onto creating complex sentences.
In Writing this week we have been focusing on information reports. Students have investigated the structure of an information report and learnt how to take great notes from our Animal videos. They have done an incredible job at turning these notes into plans and then a detailed information report. They should be so proud of their efforts!
In Math this week the students have been looking at mass and capacity. They have been looking at the difference between what mass and capacity are and they have been having fun seeing how much water some containers can hold. Students have also been using scales to measure the mass of an object. They began by choosing two objects and feeling which felt heavier. Then both objects were weighed on scales to get the official result. They had a lot of fun with the different experiments they conducted.
Language Conventions
Students have been developing their paragraphing knowledge this week. They have been reading a fact file and identifying a topic sentence to group information into paragraphs.
Our Humanities unit that focuses on the Australian climate is coming towards an end. Students this week have continued to investigate the climate and different landscapes in Australia. They are working towards understanding how different our populations looked before and after colonisation. They are getting ready for a deep dive on this topic during our upcoming Inquiry unit.
Respectful Relationships
Students learned about the importance of Reconciliation Week and explored the history of the First Australians. We discussed how we can contribute to making a reconciled future. Students were extremely engaged and shared so many questions and findings.