Grade 2
During our Reading sessions we have been learning about text structure and organisation. We have been using mentor texts to do so. These included, The Day the Crayons Quit, Give Bees a Chance and Don’t Feed the Bear. Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at figurative language. Remind to parents: Students are able to take a book home from their levelled library. Please encourage them to read at home as much as possible. If your child has forgotten their book, they can read on Wuska or pick a book to read from home.
Over the last few weeks, we have looked at persuasive writing. We have learned to use the OREO structure to write our very persuasive writing pieces. We have written letters to our principals asking them if we can have a pyjamas day and a bring your own device day. We also created advertisements and pretended to apply for a job. During our sessions we have looked at using different persuasive devices in our writing. These included:
- Rhetorical Questions.
- Personal Pronouns.
- Rule of Three.
- Exaggerations.
- High Modality Words.
Our topic over the last couple of weeks has been addition. We have looked at both mental and written strategies. These included the split strategy, counting on and using a number line. We have used a range of different manipulatives to help us with our addition strategies, including MAB, Unifix blocks, tens frames, counters and mini whiteboards. Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at subtraction.
In our Humanities sessions we have been exploring the connections we have with people, places and things. We have looked at connections that are close by to use and ones that are far away. We have also discussed the things that may change or disrupt our connection to a person, place or thing. We are really excited for our Inquiry projects this term and look forward to presenting our work to our peers and family.