Principal's Update

Wednesday 20 June 2023

Dear Families, Students and Community Members,


Michelle Roberts
Michelle Roberts

Respect for School Staff Policy

Staff at Mordialloc College, including teachers, education support staff, office staff, the Assistant Principal/s and Principal are committed to providing a positive and supportive learning environment for all our students. Our staff take their work very seriously and feel privileged to be able to play an important role in each child’s education. Parents/carers and visitors to our school also have an important role to play in fostering a safe and inclusive environment for the entire school community. All staff at Mordialloc College have a right to a safe and supportive work environment, and we expect that parents/carers and visitors always behave in an appropriate and respectful manner. Please see our current policy linked in here:


General Achievement Test (GAT)

The GAT returned to its usual time slot in June, held last week in the school gym on Thursday 15 June. This included all Year 12 Vocational Major students and all VCE University Pathway students along with any Year 11 student studying a Unit 3 and 4 sequence of study. 


All students completed Section A which included Literacy (Writing and Reading) and Numeracy from 9 am - 11.15 am to assess their proficiency in Literacy and Numeracy against the new standards and the results will appear on each student’s end of year statement of results. The standards will indicate whether students have demonstrated the literacy and numeracy skills typically expected of someone completing their secondary schooling – giving another indication of their readiness to move onto further education, training, or employment.


Section B was completed by all students studying a Unit 3 and 4 sequence from 1.15 pm - 3 pm and it is a test of general knowledge and skills in maths, science, technology, the arts and humanities. 


As per previous years this part of the GAT results will be used to help calculate a student’s Derived Examination Score for any student whose exam performance is affected by illness, accident, or personal trauma. The GAT results are also used to help validate the accuracy of school based and external assessments. We always encourage students to strive for their personal best in completing the GAT, putting in a 100% effort, just as they would for a SAC or exam. 

Senior School Online Information Session

All current students in Years 9 and 10 have had the opportunity to hear about the subject selection process for 2024 and Senior Pathways offerings at our school in Year Level Assemblies and Mentor Classes. In addition, the Year 10 and Senior School subject selection handbooks were also sent out, with a summary MC Pathways flowchart highlighting the two pathways’ students can take, thus VCE (University Pathway) and VCE (Vocational Major). These pathways are explained in a lot more detail in the handbooks, and I have included a copy of the MC Pathways flowchart here: 


Our two Pathways’ leaders Emma White and Jo Langhorne are also supporting students with their pathway’s decisions. Even though students’ “pre-selections” for next year have been submitted over the past week, all students in Years 9, 10 and 11 will have a dedicated course confirmation interview with a member of the leadership team early next term where their final subject selections for 2024 will be finalised in consultation with their parents. Further information will follow from the Senior School team about these scheduled appointments occurring on these dates:







We have had a positive start to semester two classes last week. A reminder that Semester 1 reports will be available on the Compass parent and student portals on Friday 23 June. I encourage all parents to discuss the report with their student/s over the holiday break and put appropriate actions in place to address any areas for improvement highlighted. If there are any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher by phone or email.


Advance Notice: Online Parent Teacher Interviews for Years 7 - 12 will be held in week 7 of Term 3 on Wednesday 23 August 10 am - 6.30 pm. Further information to come next term.



We look forward to our Production this year, a play called Bully to be held in Term 3, staged during week 6 over several nights in the Performing Arts Centre at school. 

Tickets will go on sale from Sunday July 2 via: 


Thanks to Mara Sears who is leading the production this year, supported by Kelly Ferguson and Kathryn Bevan. We also have two former students from 2022, Bronte Taylor and Eliza D’Alberto, returning to lead the choreography and they have attended all of our rehearsals after school. It is so wonderful to see former students wanting to stay connected and giving back to their school. There are some holiday rehearsals scheduled and parents have been notified of such via compass to give permission for their child to attend. 


So much hard work has gone into putting the show together since the start of the school year I would like to congratulate all students who are involved whether in the cast or backstage crew, for their dedication throughout the year in preparing for this showcase event. 


Thanks to Mordialloc-Mentone Lions Club 

The Lions Club of Mordialloc-Mentone has donated $1000 to support the students and families of our school. We are most grateful for this donation. This money will be used to support families who need assistance purchasing uniform items, books, and stationery. Thanks to one of my staff, Julie Pretty who oversees this support for families. 


Winter Uniform Reminder

I would like remind students of their responsibility in relation to uniform. The College expectation is that all students will be in the correct winter uniform, and that this uniform is worn correctly (shirts tucked in, ties done up properly) just as it would be expected in any workplace. This also means no hoodies worn under or over your jumper.  The only year level permitted to have a hoodie are the Year 12s who have a special final year top that is approved by school council each year. In relation to school shoes, these need to be black polishable leather lace up shoes with a heel. Black sneakers in any form are not allowed. Our uniform is a very important part of the image we project of our college community and therefore I expect all students to wear their uniform correctly and with pride to, from and at school. I would ask parents to reinforce these expectations at home. 


Please ensure your child is ready to return at the start of Term 3 in the correct winter uniform. If you require support in the provision of such, please contact our Wellbeing team. 


Staffing Update

  • Food technology position - Angela Holloway an experienced teacher from Mount Erin and the Catholic system will be starting with us from Term 3. This is to fill the position we have been advertising since the start of the year. However, Ann Gauld, a new teacher to the school this year teaching Food, is leaving us at the end of this term, to go to a part-time position at another school for personal reasons. Therefore, Asia Dizdarevic who has been teaching several Food classes for us this year will remain at the College for the rest of this year. Angela will pick up Ann’s Year 11 Food class as part of her load and Simon Cummins will take over the Year 12 Food studies class from Term 3. 
  • Maths position – experienced teacher, Robert Bishop has been appointed to replace Cheryl Lim. He is coming from the private system and will be starting with us from Term 3.
  • Humanities/English position – the person we had appointed to this role to replace James Sadler, withdrew electing to stay at her current school. Unfortunately, it was very late notice for us and so we still have the position advertised. However, we have well known casual relief teachers who have been able to cover the classes and will continue to do so until we have an appointment. 
  • Health/PE Learning Area Leader and Teacher – we have appointed Mathew Smith an experienced leader from Lilydale Heights Secondary College and he will start mid-term 3, with a current staff member taking family leave. 
  • Physical Education position - 6 month contract position – we have appointed Chloe Purtell a recent graduate who completed her teaching rounds here to cover long service leave across three staff in this learning area during Term 3 and 4. 
  • Literacy Tutoring – Caroline Lazarus returned from family leave this term to work two days a week, this increased to three days and now four days from next term. Aine Bennett who has been tutoring will be leaving at the end of week 1, term 3. We have employed Chris Beasley, to work two days a week from last week. 
  • Peter Walters – Maths teacher, is on long service leave in term 3. Nick Elmes, currently on staff will be covering his load.
  • Helen Liapis- Maths teacher, is also on long service leave for term 3. We are still trying to find a replacement through the agencies. Helen works three days a week. 
  • I will be on Long Service Leave for the first five weeks of Term 3 and Rachael Stone and Tracey Bastin will be sharing Acting Principal responsibilities in my absence. Bryony Lowe and Aaron Davis will be sharing some Acting Assistant Principal responsibilities. I will be back on Friday 11 August.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday break and enjoys spending time with family and friends. 


     Michelle Roberts
