Health and Physical Education

The year has flown by! In Physical Education Year 7 students have been busy practicing their fielding and striking skills with lots of modified team games such as footy, baseball, long ball and continuous cricket. Students liked participating in these modified games and have shown excellent team work.
Year 8 students have just finished their unit of invasion games. Students have developed a variety of different skills under pressure and have enjoyed the competitive nature of these games. Year 9 students focused on their fitness testing completing a range of tests amongst the class. Students are able to look at their past results and will also compare later in the year.
In Health, all Year 7-9 students have been looking at addictions. Year 7 students recently completed an anti-smoking campaign researching the effects of smoking. Students had options in the design of their campaign which allowed for everyone to do something they enjoy. Year 8 and 9 students completed drug and alcohol units, finishing the term off with research tasks that gave everyone an opportunity to expand on their knowledge.