A note from the Principal

Hello, everyone.
I hope you enjoy this edition of ‘Healesville High Connections’. As with all previous editions, ‘Connections’ allows us to share some of the exciting achievements of our students. This time we recognise the Semester 1 award winners, following the awards ceremony held on July 25. Congratulations to each of the students whose efforts were acknowledged at that assembly. Their enthusiasm, talent, and willingness to be involved in all aspects of school life has been evident throughout 2023.
Congratulations also to this week’s stars – Denzel, Chloe, Lyndsay, and Aemelia.
Thank you to each of the contributors to this edition. Thank you to one of our school captains, Connor Fallon for his entertaining article. I especially liked Connor’s idea of ‘dress to impress’ which was on display at the senior formal.
Thank you to the group of teachers responsible this year for the introduction of the ‘Sit Together and Read’ (STAR) program at Years 7-9. The goal of this program is to encourage students to read, reminding students of, or introducing students to, the pleasure and enjoyment of reading. It is so pleasing to see students and staff enjoying the time available, immersed in a book.
It is also pleasing to read in this copy of ‘Connections’ about school programs and events. The reports serve to remind me of just how much happens in the life of our school each day and each week. To name but a few, you will read about the senior formal, the VCE VM hospitality course, NAIDOC Week celebrations across the school, interschool sporting achievements, the Worawa Reconciliation Sports Carnival, the weekly Year 9 electives day, Instrumental Music, the new home group structure introduced this year and the successes, experiences, and achievements of students in subjects including PE, art, humanities, and outdoor education. It is quite remarkable to consider how much can be squashed into a school day and it is gratifying that we have so many students eager and willing to take full advantage of all the opportunities on offer.
The dedication, care, and sheer hard work of our staff members make such opportunities possible. I am grateful for the selfless approach, the professionalism, flexibility, innovation, and care demonstrated by the people with whom I work.
May I finish by encouraging each of you to consider attending one of the numerous performances planned for this year’s production of Frozen Jr. If rehearsals are to be any guide, this show will be entertaining, fun, and not to be missed. Thank you and congratulations to each of the students involved, whether on-stage or back-of-house, and a huge thank you to Shane Coady and his team of staff members who have already dedicated countless hours to this show. Without students, and without the generosity of these staff members there would be no show. Equally, without an audience there will be no show- please attend and support our students and staff. You’ll have a great time!
Best wishes everyone.
Allan Rennick