Chappy News



Art and Games Lunch Program:

The students enjoy a wide variety of board games and art and craft at OPS. If you have any games you are no longer using , I'm sure we can utilise them. Art and Games club is run every Friday lunch time and is open to all grades. 



During one-to-one time mentoring we do a lot of 'side by side' chatting over play doh creations, drawing, Lego and games. If you have any feelings/emotions books you are not using anymore , we can use them! Chaplains can help with grief and change, friendship help, mild anxiousness, family breakdown etc. We can also connect families to outside supports as needed- such as food hampers.


Seasons For Growth

 I was very fortunate to train for the Seasons For Growth program in May. It is hoped that we will run a group very soon at school. This program offers a safe space for children to come together and share their experiences of change and loss using a wide range of age-appropriate games, activities, role playing and journaling.

For more info go to for growth


Reboot Lunch Club (for grade 5/6)

This is a fortnightly program where they will do a theme around wellbeing with minute to win it style competitions and the next week it is hang out and play games with a special treat. 


See the community announcements for info on Eleven88's after school dance, singing, wellbeing session and guitar options.


Triple P -Parenting Program

Is a free program sponsored by the Government and is an evidence-based program.


More detail can be found here: