Principal's Desk

From Mr Mati Azadzoi

Dear Parent/Guardian,


Congratulations to all of our award recipients for Week 7 and Week 8. Superb effort! As we reach the end of Term 2 I would like to thank all of our parents, families and students for their awesome efforts and in making it half-way. This term although has been short, has allowed for some wonderful events to occur. I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank my brilliant staff who have worked tirelessly for best student outcomes. 


Chocolate Drink/Donut Day


On behalf of OPS we would like to thank the PFA Team and especially Jacqui P for leading the day. Our kids across F-6 enjoyed their delicious donuts!! We again extend our warm thanks to the PFA crew for their efforts in making these arrangements for us.


RSPCA Fundraiser 


On Friday 16th June all of our students attended school in free dress to raise funds for RSPCA. We would like to thank all our families who donated on this day. We raised a total of $153.90 as a school.  Good job Team!


Reminder: Whole School Excursion SuperZu


On Thursday 22nd of June all students will attend SuperZu as an end of Term celebration for all of their hard work. There will be some accommodation at school for students not attending. I'm sure all of our students will have a magnificent time. 


Reports Published 3.30 pm-Friday 23rd of June


Reports will be published on COMPASS at 3.30pm Friday 23rd.  If you have any issues with logging in or accessing your portal please contact the school for details.



Miss White's Maternity Leave


We would like to thank Miss White for her awesome work over the last two Terms. Miss White has connected superbly with all of our students and families and has set high-standards for her class. I'm sure all of her students will miss her greatly. Miss  has planned to return mid-Term 4.  We wish her all the best with the arrival of her baby. Thank you for your brilliant work and we wish you all the best.


End of Term 2


School for all students will end on Friday 23rd of June @ 2.30pm. We wish all our families a safe and relaxing break. School commences back on Monday 10th July, usual time.



Term 3 Calendar 


Our Term 3 School Calendar will be published Week 1 Term 3. Please keep your eye out for it.



Happy Birthday to our June Birthdays


June Staff Birthdays: none


June Student Birthdays:


12 Amara Q

56 Charli M

56 Sienna D

56 Jeremy S

56 Olivia M