Specialist Subjects

PE . Auslan . Art


Our junior grades have kicked off the term wonderfully through listening and rule based games to make sure that we have settled into school routines. These games included skills such as running, rolling, throwing and catching. All students were able to remember the key teaching points and most importantly cheer each other on!


Our senior grades are starting their Hooptime preparation by developing their basketball skills. Dribbling, shooting and passing/catching are amongst the key skills that have been focused on in a range of small sided activities. It's been pleasing to see our really confident students take on leadership roles and help other students who haven't had as much experience. It's great to see our students confidence grow as we approach one of our favourite sporting days! Just a reminder to those students in Grade 3-6 that all Hooptime notices are due on Monday 31st July.



We have had a long break from Auslan as Mrs Waldron was on leave towards last term, plus our school holidays! From such a long break, we started our week with revising topics we learnt in Term 1 and Term 2 such as colours, feelings, family members and describing our houses. This is such a solid start and something to be truly proud of! We will start learning new concepts to do with Australia as well as other countries and integrating our colour knowledge into learning about the flags.