Middle School

3/4 LP & 3/4 DA

Welcome back! How is it Term 3 already?!

Students settled back in beautifully after the holidays and we are very proud to see them so focused and ready to learn. 


We have started the term developing new narrative stories, focusing on rich setting and character descriptions and interesting character dialogue. We are encouraging students to critically assess their own work and develop ways to improve on what they have written.

Our Maths focus in weeks 1 and 2 has been on multiplication. Students have been exploring a variety of strategies to help them solve different multiplication problems, such as drawing groups, making arrays, repeated addition and long multiplication.

In Humanities, we are focusing on Geography and have been exploring the continents of South America and Africa.

Our Science unit this term is Earth and Space Science. Students have been learning about the different layers that make up Earth.


We celebrated NAIDOC week by looking at different Dreamtime stories each day and researched the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.


This week we unpacked our school values (G.R.O.W.T.H - Gratitude, Respect, Outstanding, Wellbeing, Team Work, Honesty). Students were given the opportunity to reflect on what each value meant to them. These ideas will be collated across the school and will be used to help us define what each value looks like at OPS.


Congratulations to 3/4LP for taking out the Term 2 marble competition. They were rewarded with a hot chip lunch, which was just the thing to warm up on a cold day. Can they get the threepeat and win the Term 3 comp? Stay tuned....