Junior School
Prep BW 1/2PB 1/2NP
Junior School
Prep BW 1/2PB 1/2NP
Welcome back to term three everyone!
We have started this term with a bang, we have spent this week getting to know each other, settling back into a routine and the students have been teaching me all of the important information about the prep room!
We had so much fun learning about different cultures through our NAIDOC week experiences, this week we read dream time stories and created our very own rainbow serpents. We learnt about the
Australian flag and flag of the Aboriginal people and what they both stand for. It was great to see all children participating and building an understanding of our country.
We have continued on with letter sounds and the beginning elements of blending to strengthen our reading skills. We have begun re-testing for our readers and letter sounds and will continue to do so for the rest of term three to ensure our curriculum is focusing on areas that need to be revised.
National Pyjama Day:
Friday 21st of July, 2023
100 days of Prep
Friday 28th of July, 2023
*Please dress as a 100 year old person or what you would like to be when you grow up*
Welcome to Term 3! Everyone has settled in beautifully and are excited about the coming term.
Last week we celebrated NAIDOC week. Students participated in discussion and activities around Indigenous culture and history. We reviewed time in maths and matched analogue and digital times. Students spent some time writing holiday
recounts and writing short narratives using picture prompts. Students practised /oa/ sound words (toast) and strengthened their understanding of syllables, particularly that all syllables contain a vowel or a y and how this knowledge helps them to spell unfamiliar
This week we have introduced our new school values, Gratitude Respect Outstanding Wellbeing Teamwork Honesty - GROWTH . Each day we learnt about the meaning of the different values and how we can show these values. We read stories and together we
made our own definitions of the values and what they mean to us as a school community. Students learnt about repeated addition and how it pairs with multiplication. They looked at the /ue/ sound (blue) and revised past tense. When writing, we concentrated on sizzling starts and how to hook the reader.