Year 11 Outdoor and Environmental Studies
What we've been up to in Term 2
How cool are these photos of our Y11 Outdoor & Environmental Studies (OES) students at Gravity Worx – overcoming great heights & personal challenge, all in the name of “field research!” The Y11 OES crew have been focusing on the concept of risk-taking & technological advancements in in adventure pursuits, throughout recent weeks – our excursion to Gravity Worx is an awesome example of how experiential education enhances student learning outcomes.
We’re looking forward to a bumper Semester 2 ahead! We’ll be embarking on many amazing opportunities & experiences with members of our local & further community, all with a focus of investigating different outdoor environments and the impacts on them. To name just a few exciting events this coming Semester – we’ll have the privilege of working with Wurundjeri community members & Koorie role models, the Country Fire Authority (CFA), the City of Darebin Bush Crew, educators from La Trobe + the University of Melbourne; Land Managers from Parks Victoria and different conservation groups such as the Wilderness Society. We’ll be visiting art & museum exhibitions; local community gardens; the One Planet Factory and paddling through the heart of Melbourne city down the Yarra in preparation for our final T4 trip together – the serene Murray River paddle!
If you’re the type of person who learns through doing; likes to try different things; loves getting ‘out there’ while still developing your VCE skills; has an interest in meeting new people, exploring the outdoors and looking at interactions through lots of diverse lenses – Outdoor & Environmental Studies is an awesome course for you. Please don’t hesitate to contact or to learn more!
OES student testimonials:
OES to me was an opportunity to develop my skills, love and understanding of the outdoors and am grateful to be given the opportunity to take part in such an amazing course. – Elian
The best part of OES was both the interesting classwork and camps, for example I have done SACs on beaches, on top of the Cathedral Ranges, on a rock at Wilsons Prom and in the refreshing air of the Alpine Shire. I’ve made friends & memories for life. – Liam
P.s. A massive shout-out to the legendary U12 OES graduates who helped us out at last week’s student expo. Your passion & enthusiasm was second-to-none; thanks for filling us up!
~Rachel Malcolm