Chaplain’s Corner

Habits for Life: Prayer
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8
When I read this key scripture, one thing that immediately comes to mind are moments when I have received an answer to prayer. I don’t know if you have had a prayer answered but it certainly is lovely and praiseworthy. An answer to prayer becomes part of your testimony, part of your identity, it’s your truth that you can hold on to in times that are tough, it brings hope for the future. God did it once and he can do it again!
Then you will call on Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:12
This as an incredible promise. That if we pray to God, He will listen to us.
Philippians 4:6 teaches, Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
A few years ago, my family and I went on a trip. I had some long service leave and we travelled for seven weeks, towing a pop top caravan, up through the centre of Australia, visiting Cooper Pedy, Uluru, Alice Springs and then we travelled across to the east coast and made our way back down to Victoria and home.
Along the way, we had some car troubles at times, where our car wouldn’t always start straight away. However, when our car wouldn’t start, we would connect a kick start battery pack and off we would go.
One day, when we were miles from anywhere and without phone reception, our car just would not start. I tried the jump start battery. Nothing. We did all we could, but it just would not go.
It was at this moment that our youngest son Levi, said, “Hey Dad, have you tried praying for it?” I will be up front and admit, I didn’t think to pray for a battery. I mean … it’s a battery. But my wife and family we were getting a little stressed, so we decided it certainly wouldn’t hurt! If I’m honest though, the main reason I prayed was because I wanted to encourage my boy in his faith. But you guessed it, I kid you not, the car started! First time! After trying for 20 minutes, the battery should have been worse off not better, yet, it started. God had answered our prayer.
It is my belief that God wants to answer our prayers. But more often than not, I wonder if it’s that “We have not, because we ask not”? We don’t pray for whatever reason. Maybe because we doubt God will answer? Or we think we might be embarrassed if it doesn’t turn out. Maybe we think we don’t have the right words to say or that our faith isn’t strong enough for God to really care or hear.
We might not always get the answer we want, as sometimes God says ‘yes’, sometimes He says ‘no’ and sometimes He says, ‘not yet’, but God will always answer our prayers.
Personally I have seen God heal me of my own personal health condition. A life-threatening blood condition that doctors had labelled as incurable. I have cried out to God when my middle son fell from the second story of our home, at age 3. He lay there lifeless on the path but instantly as I cried out to God, “Help!”, breath came back into his body. Prayer works!
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Even if you right now, don’t feel like any big miracles have happened in your life, or massive answers to prayer, we still have so much to be thankful for, don’t we? We take things for granted but in many ways even these small things are miracles and answers to prayer themselves, are they not?
If you have a roof over your head; food on the table; a good school or a paying job; good friends; a loving family ... . These are worth praising God for, Amen? Prayer of thanksgiving is about our attitude. I always think when I pray that I want to get a good balance of thanking God and asking things of Him. I want to thank Him for all that’s good in my life and for who He is and for what He’s done, as much as I ask Him for help.
Take a moment. What can you be thankful for?
Philippians 4:6 says though, to let your requests be known to God. God asks you, “Do you have a need?” You can ask! For example, do you need more patience? Are you getting frustrated doing a particular task at home, work or school and need more patience? Ask. Want more self-control? Ask. Going through a rough time with friendships? Ask for help. Need more peace so you don’t get anxious or worried. Ask. Do you need more boldness, to feel less timid, to be braver? Ask.
But at the same time, don’t be surprised if God answers with more opportunities to practise and develop patience rather than instantaneously receiving it. Perhaps God would rather increase your capacity for forgiveness?
Remember, prayer often changes us, and our attitudes more than it does the other person or our circumstance. Prayer checks our spirit and allows God to reveal where perhaps we ourselves are off target. God’s ways are higher than our ways, His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. But He always has our best interests at heart.
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Thessalonians 5:16-18
Pray for the small things, pray for the big things, pray for protection and good health, shoot up prayers for your friends the moment you think of them, pray for your family before you go to sleep, pray for your day ahead, first thing in the morning and invite God into every moment of the day. I dare you to see what difference the habit of prayer can make!
God bless,
Pastor Matt Daly
College Chaplain