What Did You Do At School?

What an incredible term we have had! Recently, we transformed into investigating scientists and explored water as a resource at our special Hands On Science incursion. We loved creating experiments and observing the changes, including making our own mini version of a water cycle. A challenging activity was studying five test tubes that contained clear liquid and deciding which one held water. We almost got tricked by the vinegar! Our analysing skills were helpful to observe what water is safe to drink, and one of the most fascinating things we learned was that water does not only travel down pipes but also up! We are looking forward to enjoying an extended school holiday with our families and sharing all about the adventures we had when we return for a fun-filled Term 3.
Year 1
We loved being environment warriors, learning how to be sustainable, and finding ways to look after God’s creation. We were so excited to team up and explore down at the Barn to search and sketch different aspects of the environment. We also loved rising to the challenge, using the Habit of Mind Persisting, when creating bush art and enjoyed the culinary delights of roasting marshmallows to make s’mores. We have delighted in spending time with each other in God’s beautiful creation.
Year 2
As we come to the end of a busy semester, we look back at all the wonderful activities we have completed. Some of the highlights are:
- Eco Excursion
- Maths investigations
- Weekly class meetings
- Strings lessons
- String Ensemble
- Enviro Barn
- Weekly Warm Writes
- Literacy Circles
- Using devices
- Digitech
- Robotics
We have had a wonderful time and we can’t wait to begin another exciting term after a few weeks of rest. Stay safe as you travel and have a lovely holiday.
Year 3
Wow! Can you believe that we’re already halfway through Year 3? We have had a phenomenal term. It has been amazing to spend so much time learning and growing at school.
Our highlights include:
- Exploring our Integrated Studies topic, The Blue Marble.
- Creating a Conservation Campaign for Endangered Animals.
- Participating in Cross Country and seeing some of our peers make it all the way to Regionals.
- Devotions and journeying through the book of Genesis during Christian Studies.
- Buddy Chapel… We loved sitting next to our Year 1 Buddies!
- Showing our parents around during Open Day.
- Being part of Andante and Cherub Choir and performing in our first Ensemble Evening.
- Being up on stage and leading worship during Chapel.
- Growing closer as a class and continuing to develop new friendships.
We can’t wait to see what we get up to in Term 3!
Year 4
We’ve dedicated the past few weeks to developing our understanding of endangered animals. We have been developing our research skills, including note-taking and reflecting on our findings. We each created a compelling Conservation Campaign, unveiling the threats faced by our chosen endangered animal and expressing how we can help save it. Our efforts were beautifully displayed during Thursday’s exhibition, where we invited parents to celebrate our learning journey.
Year 5
What an amazing end of term we have had. We applied what we learnt about the Habit of Mind of Working Interdependently to work cooperatively and create a stand for the Year 5 and 6 Travel Expo. Drawing upon a combination of research and presentation skills has allowed us to create eye-catching stands which will convince visitors to travel to our assigned country. We have also applied our research skills to our information report writing, from information reports about natural disasters to reports about zoo animals and even some about our favourite hobbies. Through our writing, we have discovered the power of diagrams, captions, subheadings and glossaries, combining this with our use of vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation.
We look forward to Semester 2 and all the learning opportunities it has to offer.
Year 6
We had the privilege of taking part in the Year 9 Election Program. After listening to speeches from each political party and asking probing questions of the party members, we each had an opportunity to vote for the group that we felt won us over. It was fantastic to use the knowledge we gained in Term 1 about democracy and the preferential voting system in a practical way!