Principal's Message

P&C Quiz Night
I would like to say a HUGE thanks to the P&C for hosting what I hope will be our inaugural annual MPS Quiz Night last Friday evening. It was such a fun event and was incredibly well organised and run. A special thanks to Tara Wilkinson, who was the brains behind the event. Well done to all involved and a huge thanks from me!
End of Term Caring C Reward
As the term comes to a close, I am happy to report the students have had a wonderful term both in class and in the playground, resulting in many of our students likely being invited to attend our end of term Caring C reward activity. This term, the reward will be a 'Big Bubbles' incursion, taking place on the last day of school - Friday 30 June. We look forward to finishing off the term with this fun reward!
Interschool Lightning Carnival
The senior students have been representing our school over the past few weeks at various schools for the lightning carnival, playing AFL, Soccer and Netball. The Lightning Carnival culminates with a whole-day event taking place tomorrow across three different sites. Congratulations to those students who have been invited to attend. I look forward to dropping by all three sites and seeing the great sportsmanship we are known for.
Final Assembly for Term Two
We're looking forward to next Friday's assembly, with the Quokkas hosting the event. I would like to encourage all parents and carers to come along and enjoy the entertainment being provided by our Year 1/2 class.
School Reports
A huge thank you to our wonderful teachers for all their efforts in writing school reports this semester. This is always a big task, but a very important one. School reports are due to be emailed out to parents this coming Friday (Monday at the latest). Please take the time to read through your child's report and get in touch with their classroom teacher if you wish to discuss any aspect of them.
School Holidays
The final day for Term Two is Friday 30 June, with students returning on Tuesday 18 July, and I wish our students and families a safe and relaxing holiday break until then!
Adrian Keenan