Dear Parents,

Over the past couple of years the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) has been transitioning from pen and paper to online assessments.


The NAPLAN assessments are conducted nation wide with year 3,5,7 and 9 students.


This year is the first year that the students at St Cecilia's will take part in the online version of the NAPLAN assessments, as will all schools from this year onward. There will remain one assessment, the Year 3 writing task, that will be done by hand.


The NAPLAN assessments will be taking place in week 3 of term 2, from May 10 - May 13.

The students will participate in a range of activities in the lead up to familiarise them with the various tasks and the online interface that will be used.


Below I have attached a copy of more detailed information for parents, a hard copy of which will be sent home to the year 3 and 5 parents in the coming weeks.



The link below is a great resource that can be accessed by anyone, which replicates examples of the types of online tasks that are included on the assessments. Especially for year 3 and year 5 students, you might like to use this with your child as an extra way to familiarise them and yourselves with the new online format.

Please note that students will take part in comprehensive practise tests at school, that will give them a complete experince of the online platform before having to complete the actual assessment.



If you have any queries or questions at all, please contact your child's classroom teacher or myself directly.



Matthew Mooney

Deputy Principal