Circle of Security - Opportunity

In 2021, I was privileged to work with some amazing parents and Renee Baker from school (Wellbeing support leader) around the area of Secure Attachment and how this supports our understanding of our children.  Here are some of the thoughts from our first group of parents:


“Good enough is OK, learning to recognise your shark music, and why you are feeling that way.”

“I found that learning to read and understand my children’s emotional needs, organising my own feelings and supporting them with secure hands within the circle is very useful.”

“Connecting with other mums and recognising similar struggles.”

“Understanding more about my children’s behaviour and what they’re trying to communicate.”

“It reminded me that I am human and not alone in the hard challenges of parenting – It reminded me on the more positive ways to deal with behaviours”


Parenting brings with it an array of emotions that can be over whelming without the support of others.  We invite you to register your interest to join us as we launch Circle of Security in Term 2.  There is a small cost involved to cover materials and morning tea and attendance at all sessions is required.