COVID Update - April 1

Thank you, thank you, thank you. A big week made easier with the love, optimism and appreciation from our community.  I am pleased to announce that as of 11:30 am today, we have received no positive case notifications!  Praise the Lord.  I do ask that you notify me as soon as you receive your results please.  


This past week has been challenging for our team as we have monitored children for symptoms and done all we can to keep Curiosity a place where children feel safe and not fearful of COVID.  Some children who have recovered from COVID have been able to share how they felt which has 'normalised' it for some who have imagined it as being something extremely terrible.  We know that each person experiences symptoms in varying degrees, but as we experience more cases at Curiosity, feel free to reach out to each other if you find yourselves impacted and unsure of what to do.  


If you are in isolation and need food supplies dropped over please do not hesitate in contacting the Centre.


The most important considerations for us moving forward with this current 'transmission' are:

  1. If your child returns a positive PCR test in the next 48hrs, you must contact me immediately via phone if on Friday or Monday - Wednesday next week 1st, 4th, 5th and 6th of April).  If you are notified over the weekend please email me:  or sms results to: 0408 226 664.
  2. Children with any symptoms, irrespective if they have already had COVID, on antibiotics for an infection or struggling with the change of seasonal weather can NOT attend Curiosity til the symptoms are clear.  The Curiosity children are acutely aware of COVID symptoms so will make comments to other children if they are coughing over others or are seeing runny noses.
  3. Please notify us via text each day, if your child will not be in attendance.  Each day we must report to SA Health of any new cases til we are below 5 positive active cases.  The administration load is increased when we are having to contact families who do not notify us.
  4. To waive your child's gap fee for non-attendance during their 7 day quarantine, we need to receive a screen shot of your child's positive case notification from SA Health.
  5. If SA Health require us to move into a 3 day 'Circuit Breaker' this information will come to you via email and Storypark.
  6. Have a collection plan.  If your child returns a positive result and is in attendance at Curiosity, they must be picked up immediately.


One of our families has recently accessed the COVID Kids Services at Women's and Children's Hospital.  Feel free to browse their resources or consider accessing their services if your child becomes positive.

Another great resource site that holds lots of stories for children to explore COVID in 'child friendly' terms.