President's Corner

March 2022

President Editorial

By President Maripaz Berlin


It has been two years since March 13, 2020, the day we were advised to shelter in place, with the assumption that we would return within three weeks. Educators have spent the past two years flooded with trials and tribulations, new learnings, difficult challenges, changes in guidance, and more. We have repeatedly faced criticism from the public about what more we could be doing for our students, while trying to navigate how to keep ourselves, our families, and our students safe. We have had times where it seemed that the light at the end of the tunnel was getting a little brighter, only to have those hopes dashed by a new variant, higher case counts, and more hospitalizations. One year ago, we started getting vaccinated. One year ago, it seemed like a turning point. Yet, here we still stand. Please allow yourself and your colleagues grace, compassion, and understanding  as we continue to move through this ever present pandemic. 


The new mask mandates are a recent facet to adjust to. Masking in indoor public settings, such as in K-12 settings, are strongly recommended, regardless of one's vaccine status, but are no longer required. Still, individuals can continue to make the personal choice to continue wearing a mask. 


The safety and well-being of members and students continues to be our priority. Our Safety MOU will remain in effect until June 30, 2022. Other mitigating measures will also remain in effect, such as the Merv-13 filters, portable HEPA filters, and testing. We must continue to monitor conditions in order to stay promptly responsive. 


As we go into our next round of bargaining for our successor contract, stay engaged with the current newsletters. Read the Bargaining Team Updates and attend your site's 10-minute meetings. Thank you for completing the survey and ranking the articles you would like to be opened. There will be Town Hall meetings March 21 to March 25 from 3:30 to 4:30 to collect more detailed feedback about the top articles to be opened. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Articles before attending the Town Hall Meet. In addition to the ranked articles, we will open Article 12: Compensation and Article 13: Health and Welfare Benefits, as we do for reopeners and successor contract negotiations. 


Stay well and stay engaged, OGEA.


In Unity!