Community Notices

Glow in the Dark Silent Disco
The Bencubbin Primary School P&C are holding their Silent Disco on the evening of Friday 8th April. Book here if you and your family are keen to boogie!
Troy Longmuir Football Academy: School Holiday Program
All Western Australian children aged 5 to 18 with a valid Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card. Please jump onto the link below and apply for a voucher to join junior sports.
Parent TV
Throughout the world, there’s a huge variety of customs and traditions designed to honor, nurture and guide parents and their children through various stages of their journey, and some of them sound pretty fantastic.
Family traditions bring families together and create powerful memories. What counts as a tradition, and how can we build better traditions for our kids?
Is there anything more exciting for kids than a sleepover?
There’s something about going to a friend’s house for the night that is incredibly thrilling and brings the absolute sillies out in even the most sensible kids. As grown-ups, a lot of us have great memories of sleepovers, staying up late, sharing secrets, eating junk food, making prank calls (in the olden days when everyone had landlines), watching movies and complaining about our parents.
Above and Beyond Parent Brain-Based Workshop
Please register for the FREE Zoom Session by clicking on this link: