OHSC Newsletter

Hello everyone, we look forward to kicking off science week with you.


This week at the service the children will celebrate National Science week 2021, and they will learn some cool experiments that could easily be done at home.


This weeks fun science week activities that we will be doing in the service are…….

Mixing chemical reactions

Making whizz fizz

Body science


Snackable science. 


We are looking forward to the excitement this week is sure to bring as we experiment with reactions while exploring science reactions.

  • Fizzy Fun
  • Why Popcorn Pops
  • Play dough

Fresh fruit is served daily including apples, pears, oranges, watermelon, celery and carrots. 

Toast and spreads are available for breakfast, including rice bubbles, weetbix, oats and cornflakes. 

Breakfast is available until 8:15am. 


Thanks, The OSHC team