Maths at Magill 

What's happening in Mathematics this week?

How do you work as a Mathematician?

Our Reception, Reception/1 and Year 1 classes have been exploring what it takes to work as a Mathematician. Over the course of a week students engaged with a variety of learning stations and hands on manipulatives such as; dice, playing cards, Cuisenaire rods, popsticks, shapes, money, shells and calculators to try to answer the big question posed to them.


After working as Mathematicians, students identified that to work as a mathematician they used lots of strategies such as hard thinking, making mistakes and by not giving up it meant that they were able to solve problems using their skills such as adding, subtracting, measuring, dividing and multiplying.


Students in P1, P2, P4, P6, P8, P9, P11, P12 and P13 had great fun exploring all the different ways they could be mathematicians - here are some photos of our budding mathematicians!