Senior School News

Senior School News
We are extremely proud of the way our senior students and teachers have responded to this extended period of remote teaching. The VCE students have continued to learn and prepare for assessments online throughout another challenging period. As we get closer to the end of the year, most of the SACs have now been completed by the Year 12s and we are starting to get ready for the exam period. The Government has announced that all students will receive special consideration again this year. The Senior School Team and the teachers will be working through that early next term.
This time of year always brings thoughts and discussions about next year. The Year 12 students have been planning their University/TAFE applications while we are working through the subject selection information for the 2022 Year 10-12 students. We are making decisions, finalising the blocking grids for the Year 10 -12 subjects for next year.
Once we have completed that part of the process we will contact any students that have subject clashes. Students should be sent a copy of their subject allocations before the end of term or very early next term.
I would just like to give a reminder to parents of Year 10 students. Year 10 students need to pass most of their subjects this year to progress to VCE next year. Obviously some allowances will be made in recognition that some students are finding remote learning quite difficult. We can only make allowances up to a certain point as we need to make sure students are ready for the demands of VCE. If you are worried that your child is struggling with attending class and keeping up to date with work please do not hesitate to contact us.
Jeff Micallef
Senior School Leader
Year 10 News
Our Year 10s continue to demonstrate their resilience and determination through remote-learning and I could not be more proud. So many teachers have given great feedback about their participation and work ethic through this very trying period. To our Year 10s, please make sure you are completing your daily check-ins before 11am and to turn your cameras on when you are attending online classes.
During our first ever online year level assembly on Tuesday 31st August, it was wonderful to see and hear from so many students across the cohort. While it is not the same as having the incidental chat in the corridor or during yard duty, it definitely helped to keep us feel connected.
In regards to Term 4, Week 1, we have had to make the difficult decision to postpone work experience, with a new date still pending. Students who organised work experience will be expected at school during this week. Any news on camp will be given when they come to hand. In the event that both camp and work experience cannot take place during the first week of Term 4, Year 10 classes will run as normal.
Please keep encouraging Year 10 students to take rest breaks from their screens and to reach out to their teachers about any or all setbacks – none are too big or too small! Even while we are learning from home, we are STILL a community!
Stay safe and keep up the great work!
Karen Eap
Year 10 Coordinator
Year 12 News
I hope that you and you families are doing well. As the end of the year is fast approaching, our Year 12 students have been busy completing units of work and SACs. There have been many announcements put onto the Year 12 google classroom pertaining to staying healthy over the extended lockdown. Announcements have also included information about priority vaccinations for Year 12 students, changes to GAT dates and other GEC and VCE matters. Using the google classroom allows all students to have access to the information at all times. Also on Thursday 2nd September, we held a Year 12 assembly where we discussed all of the above. It was lovely to see the students’ faces.
I have also emailed all parents a copy of the Consideration of Educational Disadvantage information sheet outlining how the process works. If you have not received an email, please contact me by ringing the college or by email for this or any other query that you may have.
The Term 4 focus is revision for the end of year exams. In preparation for this, students should be finalising their study notes so that they completing effective revision.
Laura Brancatella
Year 12 Coordinator