Junior School News

As we get ready for our mid semester break, I want to congratulate every single Junior School student and their families! The resilience and commitment to your learning we have seen in Term 3 has just been outstanding.
Although this has been a term like no other, our Junior School students have stayed actively engaged and I am proud to have led such a hardworking and diligent team of students and teachers. A very special mention to the incredible coordinators that support these students and teachers. You have gone above and beyond and for this I thank you.
I encourage everyone to use this time over the mid semester break to reconnect with yourself, set new goals and get organised. Always remember we are with you every step of the way. Enjoy your well-deserved break and we will see you in Term 4!
Haroula Loucaides
Acting Head of Junior School
Year 7 News
Well done Year 7s on making it to the end of an admittedly stressful term 3. We look forward to seeing you back at school as soon as we’re allowed to! Your engagement and work have been really impressive during remote learning.
This term, our pastoral care Connections program for the Year 7s has been taking place, with a particular focus on positive psychology and character strengths. The students have taken part in weekly reflection activities where they consider their character strengths, and how they can draw on these in their school lives and in setting goals.
With parent teacher interviews this week, parents and carers of Year 7 students will receive an email through XUNO explaining and clarifying the reporting process at Glen Eira College. This should help facilitate informed and constructive conversations with teachers. If you have any questions beforehand, you are still encouraged to email Ms Cordingley (dco@gec.vic.edu.au) or Mr Sherman (jsh@gec.vic.edu.au).
Jake Sherman and Deborah Cordingley
Year 7 Coordinators
Year 9 News
It was great to see our Year 9s last week during their year level assembly.
Thank you to Year 9 for your participation in the Year 9 assembly last week, and all the amazing work you all have been doing by seizing opportunities and participating in extracurricular activities apart from doing your daily school work. We all know you have been through some very challenging times in the past eighteen months.
I would like to acknowledge your effort and time and would like to say a big thank you to your families for their ongoing support during remote learning period. We would like to see more Year 9s get involved in extracurricular activities. So please encourage your child to read the daily student bulletin and take any opportunity that seems interesting. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any subject please feel free to contact your teachers or year level coordinators.
Recently, Oskar De Bruin was the only participating Year 9 student in theonline chess tournament held on 31st August. He won 3 of his 7 games which was a great effort on his part. This was the first interschool chess event that Glen Eira has competed in. Thank you to Mr Zuccala for organising this event.
Alma-Mia from Year 9 has been shortlisted again in the top seven in Australia in the Junior category of the Tax, Super + You competition. It would be great if parents could vote for her in the People’s Choice Award via https://www.taxsuperandyou.gov.au/vote2021 (It is the first one in the list called Entry 1: Story – Alma-Mia Marret (VIC).
Also, in this term our Year 7-11 Term 3 Parent Teacher Interviews will run via webex on September 14th, 2021 Time: 2:00pm - 7:00pm. Links have been sent out and bookings are currently open via XUNO. Also, we would like to remind again that classes will be shortened on this day and the day will finish at 1:15p.m.
Another reminder for parents, if students need computer or technology assistance or have any IT issues during Remote Learning, they should use the following link to report the issue:
Last week on 9th September, we celebrated RU OK? Day. On this day teachers of period 1 classes allocated 15 minutes to go through the R U OK day presentation, including break out chats for small group discussion.
Last week we celebrated National eSmart Week 6-12 September. To follow on from this, our acting Junior School Leader Mrs Locaides organised “Digital Thumbprint” sessions for Junior School students which will teach them the advantages of a positive online presence, whilst arming them with the facts they need to stay safe online in a way that they can understand, use and enjoy.
Sessions will run throughout the day on Wednesday 15th September for Year 9 as below. These sessions will be run via webex and meeting details will be sent out to students by their YLC and Teachers in charge of these sessions in coming days.
Period 1 (9am – 10am)- 9A,B,C,D
Period 2 (10am -11 am)- 9E,F,G
For Year 9 the focus is on “Digital Identity” This workshop gives students the opportunity to examine their social media profiles and posts through the lens a boss applies in the process of hiring and during employment. Students work through improving their online identity for future success. Concepts covered:
• Investigate ways to create and manage your digital brand
• Examine ways to enhance your digital presence
Other opportunities I would like to mention are that entries for 2021, Plan Your Own Enterprise Competition and Share Market Game are open now. Please remind students to read their daily school bulletin board via the link sent every day. If any student is interested, please speak to your Humanities Teacher. You never know you might be the next winner.
Lastly, I would like to inform parents to please remind year 9 students to complete their daily check in every morning by 11:00 am. via this link https://forms.gle/qwTMTZ6sB2esPwUR8 .
Thank you again for your continued support.
Parminder Kaur (pka@gec.vic.edu.au ) and Sasha Byrnes (sby@gec.vic.edu.au )
Year 9 Coordinators