From the Assistant Principals

School for Student Leadership
I am pleased to advise that Glen Eira College has secured six positions at the School for Student Leadership in Term 4 2022. Three boys and three girls will be invited to live for nine weeks at the Snowy River Campus, which is located at Marlo in the state’s east.
Positions at the School for Student Leadership are highly coveted. Interested Year 9 students will be asked to complete their written application next year.
The School for Student Leadership offers a fully residential program for one school term with accommodation for up to 45 students in a purpose-built facility. During their nine week stay, students will live and work in a very close environment with their peers. There are challenges and lessons on human relationships that will arise from this lifestyle. Great friendships are made, tolerance is learned, and teamwork and leadership are created.
The unique program at the School for Student Leadership focuses on engaging students in activities which allow them to explore and learn about the local environment and cultures; both indigenous and nonindigenous. Gaining a sense of belonging in local places through knowledge and experience is a key learning outcome.
Interschool Sport
This week we have received the following updates regarding interschool sport competition.
State Championships
The following State Championships have been cancelled for 2021, due to the limitations in completing the progression through to a State Championship during Term 4:
- Secondary State Track and Field Championships
- Secondary Senior Cricket
- Secondary Year 7 to Intermediate Baseball, Basketball, Cricket, Hockey, Softball, Table Tennis, Tennis, Volleyball
Any students who are elite athletes are encouraged to enter the Athletics Victoria All Schools Championships (Victorian All School Track & Field Championships | Athletics Victoria ( This is also subject to advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer and the Department of Health in relation to coronavirus (COVID-19).
Division Competitions
Depending on advice about when interschool sport can resume, we will endeavour to conduct interschool sport within the Beachside Division to maximise student participation in school sport. Any interschool sport will need to be conducted in line with advice from DET Schools Operations Guide and community sport guidance.
Aaron Petersen
Assistant Principal