
School holidays are almost here! The Wellbeing Team hopes you are all able to take some time out over the holidays to relax and have some fun.
It is important that this time is used by our students to get off screens and get active, to try other creative activities that allow for a break from the online school routine. Whilst Year 12 students will continue to study throughout the holidays it is important they too take time out for self-care and to recharge their mental and physical batteries prior to the exams.
Checking in with your Friends
During lockdown, life can be tricky and we sometimes get so focused on our own stuff that we don’t check in with our friends to see if they are ok. This week, be courageous and check in with your friends. Here’s some resources from reputable organisations to give you some ideas about how to ask, and how to follow up with your friends.
You may be familiar with this organisation that started in 2009 with one question “R U OK?” with the aim of encouraging people to connect with their family and friends in a more meaningful way. This supports positive mental health. They have really easy prompts to follow specifically about this question.
This is a national service aimed at 12-25 years, providing mental health support to get young people back on track and improving the ability to manage mental health. Check out their website. It is full of lots of information to help you and your mates get through the tough times.
This online service has been providing support for over 20 years to young people with self-help information, peer support programs and referral tools to help people stay well with their mental health. They have some great online tools/apps you can easily access.
This organisation does research (looks at/studies) early detection, prevention and treatment of people with the most common mental health concerns such as depression or anxiety. This website has some great fact sheets you can check out, particularly this one about how you can help your friends.
Even though we are locked down, and school is learning from home, the Wellbeing team are here to support you if you get stuck or you want to share a positive story about how you helped a friend.
Call us on 9571 7838/or email us at wellbeing@gec.vic.edu.au
Jenny Sanchez (Wellbeing Leader)
Brianne Taylor (Student Support)
Christalia Formoso (Adolescent Health Nurse)
Lyn Jenkin (Mental Health Practitioner)