Relationships, Explicitness, Ability, Learning for Life.


Sara and Tully spent time getting to know each other.  Fostering relationships helps students develop trust, confidence, social and communication skills.  Click on the link to the video below, to see how this interaction encourages Sara to communicate what she wants.




Delivering an explicit remote learning program can be particularly challenging for the student and the staff.  We use a variety of strategies with our remote learning students, that include live Webex instructional based lessons, pre-recorded videos, step by step instructions for activities posted to Seesaw and visual prompts such as visual scripts in hardcopy resource packs.



All of our students have the ability to learn and develop skills.  It is our responsibility at Yarrabah to ensure that all of our students are given equal and equitable opportunities to participate in the whole of the school curriculum and programs.  In P.E students participate in an obstacle course that has been specifically designed with every student's ability in mind.  There are at least one or more activities in the obstacle course that students can participate in individually or with assistance.



Learning for life

Self-regulation is the ability to understand and manage your own behaviour.  Being able to self regulate is a foundation skill for learning for life.  It helps students to socially interact in positive ways, gets them ready to learn and allows them to be able to communicate their feelings, wants and needs.  The Crash and Bang room gives students an opportunity to meet their sensory seeking needs in a safe and structured way.