Year 7-9 Sector 

Year Seven

Year 7 students across Victoria have had a very challenging start to their secondary schooling journey. We’d like to take this time to praise our students on the determination, pride and ability to set about each learning task with vigour. The resilience of which our students have shown during the remote learning period is astounding; to have 12-13 year-old students demonstrate commitment to their learning, organisation and produce such amazing work, it’s truly incredible. Well done! 


The Year 7 Teaching Staff would like to thank parents and guardians for the time and effort put in during this remote learning period. We are extremely grateful for the support and can hopefully thank you in person one day soon.


Looking ahead to Term 4: 

  • English and Mathematics Exams
  • Immunisations –  Human Papillomavirus vaccine (HPV) 2nd dosage
  • End of Year Activities


We hope everyone has a safe and restful school holidays.



Year 7 Team


Year Eight

Dear students, parents and guardians


One more week left of Term 3 and we are there! Just wanting to take a minute to recognise each and every one of you for the effort and resilience you have shown throughout these trying times. We appreciate your ongoing support and flexibility as we have worked through the term one week at a time.


In light of this, we have introduced the ‘4R Superstar Awards’ to pay tribute to the hard work and successes of students. It has been great to see many students of year 8 receiving these and we look forward to further opportunities to celebrate our students. 

Exciting times ahead for year 8s as we prepare for year 9 next year. We have started the process of selecting electives and also applications for School Captain for 2022. A reminder that elective preferences are due Friday the 1st of October and School Captain applications on Thursday the 16th of October. 


Wishing you all a well-deserved restful break these holidays. 

We hope to get back to regular programming in Term 4 and are excited to be face to face again! 


Warm regards,

Chloe Karras

Year 8 Level Leader

Year Nine

Hi parents and guardians of Year 9, 


We are now on the home stretch of a very challenging and tumultuous Term 3. We would firstly like to express our gratitude to all families for their ongoing support with their child’s education in Remote Learning. 


We would also like to highlight the incredible resilience our young people have shown during this time- it has been great to see so many learning task submissions in all classes and zoom attendance every day. Please remember that attendance each session throughout the day is required for your child to be marked “present” at school. 


As we look forward to Term 4- it is a bitter sweet term with such a busy schedule planned to celebrate our last weeks with our fantastic Year 9 cohort. Please keep your eyes out on compass for an update in regards to experiential learning block, end of term activity week and Graduation for our kids- all in which our amazing events elective have been working very hard to plan. 


Thank you 😊

Demi Geary 

Year 9 Year level Leader 



Food technology Year 7 students have been cooking up a storm at home during remote learning. They continue practising their skills by baking sweet and savoury muffins, scones, sausage rolls and chicken soup. Their resilience and ability to adapt to the challenges has been remarkable and proudly recognised. Well done Year 7s.

Arvanitis Muffins
Arvanitis Muffins
Aidan.S 7C
Aidan.S 7C
Alyssa 7G
Alyssa 7G
Anmol Sausage Rolls
Anmol Sausage Rolls
Sausage Rolls by August
Sausage Rolls by August
Brandon 7G
Brandon 7G
Cameron M &D
Cameron M &D
Erica 7G Muffins
Erica 7G Muffins
Sausage Rolls by Connor
Sausage Rolls by Connor
Dylan S 7B
Dylan S 7B
Eden G 7F
Eden G 7F
Sausage Rolls byMichael L
Sausage Rolls byMichael L
Oliver D 7F
Oliver D 7F
Sausage Rolls by Alyce
Sausage Rolls by Alyce
Sausage Rolls by Tanesha
Sausage Rolls by Tanesha
Mia M 7A
Mia M 7A

Sharmilee Lele + Jayne Schofield

Food Tech