Year 3-6 Sector


Year 3


Over the last few weeks we have been learning about how to understand 3D shape including Pyramids and Prisms. We have learnt how to show a fraction of a collection and how to solve worded problems in fractions. Now we are looking at placing fractions on a number line. I really love having a go and learning new skills I can use. I really enjoyed learning about 3D shapes but what I enjoyed the most was learning about angles as it was my first time. Gloria 3A 


In Maths the year 3s have focused on fractions of a collection, I found the questions fun and there was a range of questions from easy to more difficult. Then we started on classifying shapes I found it easy while others didn’t. We did our first angles lesson and that was new and fun. Eleni 3A



We've summarised the efforts of our students in a single sentence, "Their resilience and persistence in these challenging times, has been nothing short of amazing." 


As we embark on another week of remote learning, students will shift their focus to 'Summarising' during Reading. They will explore the difference between important and interesting information, learn strategies to construct written and oral summaries through a vast range of multimodal texts and genres. As your child indulges in books, shows and movies, prompt them to tell you what it was about, what they learned and what did they found interesting. 





Our Year 3 writers have been working towards creating their very own information report on their chosen country! We have been looking closely at identifying non-fiction text features, the difference between facts and opinions and researching information to prepare us to write our report! We have been looking at different types of sentences and paragraphs in our grammar lessons and exploring our passion for creative writing through Writer’s notebook. Have a look at the amazing writing submissions from Seesaw and feel free to ask one of our Year 3 writers for any cool facts they know about their country!


Zac Do, 3C, Bundling information under subheadings about Australia. 


Sai Saathvik Pasila, 3C, Italy Fact Sheet.


Jamila El-Najjarine, 3C, Identifying TEEL in an informative paragraph.

Year 4

Curriculum Units:

Reading:• Evaluating Informative Texts

Writing:• Informative Text 

Numeracy:• Measurement


As we approach the end of term 3 and for many of us, the end of term break is much needed. Students have been working hard during these trying times and have completed some amazing work. 

Despite not being able to celebrate Book Week the same way as we are used to, students were still able to participate in different activities through our Reading lessons and a dress up day on the Friday. Some of the other activities that the Grade 4 cohort have been able to enjoy and participate in during Lockdown 6.0 include Pyjama Day, Whacky Wednesday, Finals Friday and Indigenous Literacy Day. Fun Friday’s have also been a hit with the students. In the second Zoom class of the day, classes are been completing activities such as quizzes, jokes and scavenger hunts to end the week a laugh or two.


 A big pat on the back to everyone for their continued adaptability and ability to try our best in the circumstances that we find ourselves in. 

The grade 4 teachers are very proud of everyone. 


Here is a small snapshot of some of the work we’ve been doing in grade 4. 


In Writing, as part of our study on biographies, students were asked to find out some information about a famous person of their choice using creditable internet sites. Saraia from 4B chose J.K Rowling to find information on and she was able to do a fantastic job. 


  In Maths, students have been looking at different forms of measurement. This has included time, length, perimeter and area. Here is Anton from 4B’s example on how to find the perimeter of a shape. 


In reading, we have started to learn about synthesising. Liam from 4B has shown us his previous knowledge of the Olympics and his new knowledge after completing some research. 

Year 6

In the year 6 cohort, our amazing teachers have been keeping all the students very busy with reading, writing and maths tasks.


The year 6s are preparing for a graduation ceremony and have been collecting data to determine what fun activities may be available. We have been using this data in our mathematics and analysing the graphs we have created. We can’t believe that we only have one more term of primary school left.


Miss Casha, the current year 7 co-ordinator along with Ms Meagher - the 7-9 Assistant principal, held a zoom information session to prepare for year 7 2022. Although it may be a little daunting for some, it will be an exciting time in our lives. If you missed out on this session, the information will be on Compass. A huge thank you to the other staff that presented after hours, including Mrs Dellidis, Mrs Salvadori (senior mathematics leader), and Ms Bloom, Brookside’s senior literacy leader.


We have just wrapped up our writing topic. We explored how to structure information reports, and the importance of including correct information, subheadings and text features. In our last part of this unit, we will share our reports over zoom with our classmates.


The teachers have combined our reading and writing, where the spotlight has been on text features such as apostrophes, differentiating between facts and opinions and learning the skills of skimming and scanning over texts. These reading skills are transferrable when we researching our topic for our information report.


The year 6s have also been looking at the elements of art, creating rhythms in music and striking and fielding skills in PE.

With only a few more sleeps to go, we are all looking forward to the holidays and the excitement that term 4 brings. We can’t wait to see our hardworking teachers when we return to school. 

Zara 6E