Students of the Week

The following students will receive their certificates assemblies on the following dates:

Friday 5th March 

 Tyler E (PA) - For doing some amazing rhyming. He is super awesome at listening to words and finding a rhyming word that matches it!

Emily S (PB) - For always showing Attentive Listening. Emily listens with her eyes, ears and heart. Thank you Emily for being a wonderful listener.

Jacob W (12A) - For sharing wonderful ideas to the class. He has shared insightful thought during discussions particularly when looking at the emotions of people and characters. We love hearing your thoughts!

Fleur M (12B) - For doing your personal best on each learning task and making excellent contributions when participating in class discussions.

All of 12C (12C) - For making a fantastic start to the year and always showing Personal Best TRIBES values to your learning. Keep up the amazing work!

Chloe S (34A) - For settling into Marlborough so quickly. You are always so friendly to your class mates, have a positive attitude and put great effort into your work. We are very lucky to have you in 34A!

Lilly D (34B) - For using her initiative and offering to help a peer understand a maths number task by modelling the task with blocks. Such a kind and caring act demonstrating empathy for others. Your teachers are proud of you Lilly.

Josh F (34C) - For your fantastic VIP presentation! You spoke clearly, confidently and with a smile to the class, showing us some great photos. Awesome job!

Tyler V (56A) - For doing your personal best in class.  You have done an amazing job working on your maths. Keep up the great learning!

Joel G (56B) - For your application to all areas of learning and trying your Personal Best in the classroom. Great work Joel, keep it up!


Friday 12 March 

Zayden G (PA) - For always showing Attentive Listening and doing excellent blending. Zayden knows his phonemes and is reading words. What a Superstar.

Noah F (PB) - For his amazing Show and Tell. Noah brought his live chicken and taught us many facts about caring for a chicken. Thank you Noah.

Bailey H (12A) - For always striving to learn and do his best. Bailey respectfully listens in class and eager to improve in all areas of his school work. We love having you in 12A! Keep it up!

Jordy O (12B) - For having an excellent attitude towards learning and showing mutual respect by using beautiful manners with his peers and teachers.

Jake S (12C) - For being a wonderful friend to your peers. Jake has also made sure he is always showing Attentive Listening and Mutual Respect TRIBES values. Fantastic work Jake.

Brandon P (34A) - For applying his Personal Best to all tasks. I have been so impressed with how quickly you begin your work and the high level of effort you are showing. Well done Brandon!

Jinwei L (34B) - For challenging his class to discover whether the number 82 can be made with 54 MAB blocks. Jinwei represented the number 6 times to prove it couldn't be. Great to see you applying your skills Jinwei and working so hard on the task.

Sienna M (34C) - For being cooperative, caring and an enthusiastic student, working well in all her lessons. Keep up the fabulous work Sienna!

Zach F (56A) - For being a kind and helpful classmate to your peers. You always go above and beyond to support those in need. Keep up the great work.

Liam H (56B) - For ensuring you always try your Personal Best in class time, you are always willing to have a go and take risks. Keep it up Liam!