Student Excellence

Congratulations to the following students who have been recognised for their dedication and commitment to their learning and school values:
Nominated by Ms O’Connor for Food Technology
- Zach Harrison - for excellent preparation of the assessment task. His presentation to the class as a result was outstanding
Nominated by Ms Power for Performing Arts
For giving up some of their lunchtimes to practice for their assessment, and on assessment day they worked all lesson on perfecting all the movements and making sure they had all criteria in their dance.
- Lydia Gorman-Lassioner
- Oliva Read
- Hailey Bover-Groen
- Taylor Anne Misilele
- Tarni Burke
- Phoenix Thomas
Nominated by Mr Stokes (Yr 12 Coordination)
- Rhys Saultry - Rhys is arriving early, and staying late completing extra study, in the hope of excelling in his VCE exams. He is exemplifying the attitude and rigour I am hoping to instill in all our Year 12 VCE students.
Nominated by Mr Stokes for Unit 1 English
- Tarlynae Elkin - Tarlynae is consistently working hard to achieve her best. She has read our current text, Medea, 3 times, and has supplied quotes and ideas to support others.
Nominated By Liz Rundle for Unit 1 Food Studies
- Caitlyn Griffiths - Caitlyn is always on time and well prepared for class. She effectively uses Compass to keep herself well informed and organised. Caitlyn has completed all her homework on time. She has demonstrated the responsibility and attitude to will ensure her success in VCE and beyond.
Nominated by Mr Hitchman for cricket
- Ben Ogley (Year 10) - For his effort, responsibility, organisation and leadership (both on and off-field) during the intermediate cricket day (Tuesday 02 March).
Nominated by Ms Kirby for Acc 1 German studies via Victorian School of Languages
- Sasha Turzynski (Year 9) - For an excellent start to the year with her German coursework and oral presentations.