
Year 10 Work Experience 2021
Work experience is a fantastic way of discovering what the world of work is really like. In 2021 we would like to offer all Year 10 students the opportunity to undertake work experience at the end of Term 2.
To do this we really need to have work place opportunities. We would like to call on our school community to contact me, Liz Rundle (, if you would be willing to host a student on work experience.
We would encourage all Year 10 students to start thinking about where they might like to go for work experience and researching possible businesses in the area.
Year 10 will be introduced to this program in Tutorial and be provided with a set of guidelines.
Checkout the Fairhills Careers Web-page
The aim of the site is to provide students and parents with the most up to date information that will help them to make decisions about their future pathway and life beyond school.
Compass is the school's primary platform for communication, however, the career website is a great place to start when talking careers.
Special features I would like to highlight this month:
- On the Home page - The Career search engine on the home page
This tool is a great place to start if you are looking for inspiration for the future. It is easy to use and enables students to discover occupations within an industry that they might not know about.
- Under Important information Tab – Calendar of events
This feature enables students to find out what information sessions and events are happening at Tertiary institutions and within industries. Information sessions / events provide students with all the extra details they need beyond the course guides and webpages.
- Under Senior school
There are great links to information outlining the Senior school options in Victoria; VCE, VCAL and VET
- Under Post school options – Apprenticeships / Traineeships – Pathway charts
This link provides students with all they need to know about preparing themselves for a trade. What training they will need as well as expose them to a whole new list of possibilities – trades they might not have heard of.
- Under for Parents – Helping your teen with career planning
This booklet will help parents to start a career conversation and provides the tools needed to support students in this daunting task.
- Under for Students – Student secure area
This secure space is designed to enable all students to develop their own Career Action plan / undertake Careers Quiz / Develop a Resume. This secure web based tool enables students to have access to their plans and documents when they want them. Students need to login using their Compass email address and their password (their student code – with upper case letter at the front).