
Working Bee
Sunday 21 March - 9.00am till 12.00pm, followed by a BBQ
Come along and join us for our first Working Bee for 2021 - a great opportunity for our school community to come together and get to know our staff and other families.
For catering purposes please register your interest here: https://www.trybooking.com/BPLGV
A number of jobs are planned on the day, including:
- gardening
- painting
- washdowns
- seat repairs
- chewing gum removal etc.
Please bring with you:
pruning sheers/saws etc.
Any tradies amongst our families are welcome to bring their trade tools.
Pick My Project
We are very pleased to advise that the toilet and changeroom upgrade for the Performing Arts Centre / Sports Stadium was completed for the start of 2021. This project was supported by the a $200,000 Pick my Project grant from the Victorian State Government, together with substantial funding from Fairhills High School. It’s wonderful that we now have such clean and modern facilities for all to use. To win the grant we received great support from not only our school families, but also the many community organisations who use these facilities - so many thanks to Knox U3A, Knox Basketball, Ferntree Gully Rotary and the local Indian community.