Year 7 Camp

Phillip Island 2021
On Monday 1 March, fifty-nine Year 7 students and seven staff left Fairhills by bus for three days of camp at Phillip Island. We first travelled to Point Nepean National Park where we spent three hours exploring the old Quarantine Station, playing games and generally looking at the setting for their class novel, ’Falling From Grace’. After lunch the buses transported us to Stoney Point where we caught the local ferry to Cowes. A slightly rough crossing but it was enjoyed by the students.
At Cowes the staff and students settled into life at CYC Camp; enjoying activities such as the giant swing, the flying fox, the circatron and using the swimming pool. Unfortunately due to bad weather the beach games and fishing trips had to be cancelled. They were replaced by Frisbee golf and a movie. Students were exhausted at the end of day two after completing the Great Cowes Race, Frisbee Golf and the evening spent at Clip n Climb. By far the most popular activity of the camp.
Tuesday morning we packed up and walked to Cowes Ten Pin Bowling where the students played games until the buses picked us up and we went to Smith’s Beach for lunch. After lunch we boarded the buses for the journey back to school, a very quiet and tired group. All through the camp the students were polite and well behaved, they are to be commended for being great representatives of the school.
Marguerite Kuhne
Year 7 Coordinator