Leadership Report 

Canberra Camp

Well, it did happen! With some angst and real concern we finally saw our 4-6 students gather and board their coaches, and slowly navigate up Symons Street to Canberra ... what a relief!


All reports from our federal seat of power is that all is okay and the politicians have survived the intense scrutiny of the Newlands students. We look forward to hearing of their adventure and their thoughts about Canberra. 

Staff Changes and Updates

Ally's Class

As some parents/carers would know we have had a class teacher unable to start the year for personal reasons. In response to this situation we have had Sonya teaching in the class during Ally's absence. She will continue doing this for the whole of term 1.

We have now made the decision to restructure who will be the teacher for the class from the the start of term two. Sonya and Nikki (P.E.) will grade share for the remainder of  2021. 

P.E Remainder of 2021

The P.E. position has been advertised and a new teacher will take up the role from the start of term two.

Music - David

David has applied and been successfully appointed to a leadership position in a small country town High School in NSW. David will start at his new school from the start of term two and be in the role for the remainder of 2021. In light of his success we will be appointing a new music teacher to start at the beginning of term two. 

DET Teacher Grants - Mathematics and Science

Newlands has been successful in receiving significant funding over the next two years to develop our mathematics and science programs across the school. This grant has allowed us to release two teachers half time (Graeme and Nikki) to attend high quality professional learning funded by DET for 2021 & 2022 school year. This is a major opportunity for Newlands to really improve the teaching of maths and science across the school. 

Bilingual Spanish Celebration

Our celebration is on track to happen on 26th March. The whole school teaching team led by Luisa and Jose have been very committed and enthusiastic to really make the afternoon a great celebration. We look forward to seeing you there on the day.