Introducing the 

Year 5 team


Hello to the Plenty Parklands Primary School community! My name is Stephen Zhang - the students call me ‘Mr. Zhang’ and I will have the pleasure of teaching Year 5 this year. My other roles at our school include being the Year 5 PLC leader and Learning Specialist. I believe strongly in providing meaningful learning experiences for our children to develop the skills and understandings to succeed in the 21st Century. My favourite things involve everything to do with my young family as well as food and sport! This is my first year at PPPS and I want to thank everyone for making me feel so welcome. Please come and introduce yourself and say hello :) 


Hi, my name is Miss Seidel and I have the pleasure of teaching 5-6 this year. I have a passion for reading and can often be found sitting around with a good book in one hand and a steaming cup of coffee in the other.  When my nose isn’t in a book I enjoy watching Sci-Fi, doing a spot of yoga or simply sitting around catching up with family and friends.  But my favourite pastime would have to be spending time with my dogs – Bella & Bailey – they certainly keep me entertained and on my toes!  


Hello everyone, I’m Mr Challis and I am teaching 5-4 this year. I’ve been at PPPS for 5 years now, and apart from a year spent teaching Year 4 in 2020 I’ve taught Year 5 every year I have been here. Luckily, I enjoy the year level and particularly the (upcoming!) camp. Outside of teaching I love to read books of all kinds, cook all sorts of dishes, and spend time with my family, which is made up of myself and my partner as well as an accident-prone 4 year old Jack Russel named Kino and my brave, funny 3-year old daughter Nika. Many of you would have met these two last year during online learning. I’m looking forward to so many exciting things in 2021, not least the Bulldogs taking home their 3rd AFL Premiership come October. 


Hello. My name is Miss Murphy and I am fortunate to be teaching the brilliant members of 5-3 this year. This is my third year teaching Year 5 at Plenty Parklands. I am most excited to attend camp at Forest Edge in Term 2 and get to know all of the students. When I am not in the classroom teaching, you will likely find me reading, cooking, spending time with my family and friends or walking my precious Labrador, Eddie.I am looking forward to another terrific year at PPPS!