From the Principal

Dear Parents, Teachers and Students
Thank You to …
Ms Lorraine East, our Student Wellbeing Coordinator, and her band of helpers for organising WellBeing Week last week.The various events and activities throughout the week were appreciated by staff and students alike and resulted in the week being exceptionally enjoyable for all.Also of note are the efforts of Ms Bernadette Fitchet for organising the Year 8 WellBeing Day, which ran on Thursday 31st August.
And this week we have had Italian Week organised by Ms Josie Fell and the LOTE Faculty.Lots of activities for our Italian students and lovely food and gelati over the last few day with a staff morning tea today (Friday).
Parent Teacher Evening and End of Term
A couple of important dates to note.
Firstly, Years 7 to 10 Parent/Teacher interviews will be held on Wednesday September 20th, from 2.00pm till 8.00pm. There will be no classes on this day, however students are required to attend with their parents/carers at the selected interview time in order to discuss their progress with their teachers. Appointments will be made using the online booking system on Compass. Parents/caregivers must logon with their own Compass user name and password. Appointments cannot be made using a student’s user name and password. If there are any problems accessing Compass please call the school on 9555 5955 and speak to either Lee, Jan, Jill or Donna. If they can’t help you they will refer you on to our IT Department.
The reason for arranging the Parent/Teacher/Student interviews in this way is to allow for a much improved opportunity for Parents/Carers to meet with their children’s teachers by running the interviews over both a later and longer period. If you are unable to attend on the night, you are still encouraged to contact the appropriate sub school/year level coordinator to arrange an alternative time to meet and discuss your child’s progress, or contact individual teachers with whom you wish to discuss a particular subject. Even an “over the phone” conversation can be both convenient and informative. Discussions at this time of year can provide useful information about your child’s mid-semester progress, and an opportunity to take corrective action if necessary. Copies of student’s interim report should be available on Compass by the time of the interviews.
Secondly, Friday September 22nd is the last day of term 3. Students will be dismissed at 2.30pm on this day. Term 4 commences on Monday October 9th.
A reminder that summer uniform is to be worn from the commencement of term 4. There is a two week transition period but everyone should be wearing summer uniform by 23rd October. Uniform expectations are clearly outlined on Compass.
Year 12 Practice exams will be held during the second week of the school holidays. There is a timetable for the exams elsewhere in this issue of the Cheltonian.
Driving into the School
Parents/caregivers are reminded that you are not allowed to drive into the school grounds to drop off or pick up your students, especially while the building works are in progress. There will be exceptions to this rule if you need to pick up or drop off an injured or sick child. A reminder as well that you are not allowed to make U-turns in front of the college. The City of Kingston inspectors are sometimes on duty at the front of the school and fines can be issued for any traffic infringements.
Year 12 Scholarships
The 2017 Year 12 Scholarships, which opened on Friday 24 July 2017, are available to Year 12 students who are planning to undertake tertiary studies in 2018.
Provided through five trusts, the Department administers up to 60 Year 12 scholarship awards each year for students who are studying in Victoria.
The scholarships range in value from $600 to over $2,500. Some scholarships are one-off payments while others are paid for the duration of the student’s course/study. Applicants must be able to demonstrate financial need, evidenced by having a valid Centrelink Reference Number and they must be citizens or permanent residents of Australia.
Applications will close on Thursday 1 February 2018.
To apply, see: Year 12 student scholarships
The Department administered YEAR 12 Scholarships
The majority of these scholarships have specific requirements regarding the study that is being undertaken and demonstration of financial need.
Thirty George Garibaldi Turri Scholarships are available to Year 12 Victorian government school students who will be undertaking a full time teaching degree in 2018.
Twenty Ella Donald Service Fine Arts Memorial Scholarships are available to Year 12 Victorian government school students who will be undertaking a full time Fine Arts degree in 2018.
Some Year 12 Scholarships don’t stipulate a specific course or study in 2018 including five Alexander Rushall Scholarships and one Walter Lindrum Memorial Scholarship.
Lynne Kosky Memorial VCAL Scholarships
Students aged 17 years or under – as at 1 January 2018 – who are planning to study the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) in 2018 as a pathway to further study, employment or training, should be encouraged and supported to apply for the Lynne Kosky Memorial VCAL scholarships.
Applications close Wednesday 20 September 2017.
For more information, see: Special category student scholarships
Additional Year 12 Scholarships
For information on the Margaret Schofield Scholarships 1 (Music Performance) and 2 (Music Composition), contact the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority on phone: 03 9032 1631. For applications, see Margaret Schofield Scholarship applications
For information on the Francis Gregory Foundation Scholarships, contact the Francis Gregory Foundation on 03 5625 4177. For application information, email:
For further information on these scholarships, contact Andrea Constantino, Student Scholarships Coordinator, by phone 9097 7375 or email at
Jason Bek