Student Wellbeing

Student Representative Council- SRC
On Tuesday 2nd of April we hosted our first Out of Uniform day for 2019 with a gold coin donation at both Watsonia and the Bundoora Campus. During our last SRC Meeting we decided to raise funds for the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation. Thank you so much for supporting this charity. On the day we raised $427 .75. Everyone had an amazing day.
SRC Meetings for 2019 will be as follows:
Tuesday 23rd April- 1st day of Term 2,Tuesday 14th May,Tuesday 11th June,Tuesday 16th July,Tuesday 13th August,Tuesday 10th September,Tuesday 15th October,Tuesday 12th November
Tuesday 3rd December.
Mobile Phone Use At Concord School: REVISED
We have further tightened up on student access to phones during the school day. This is in response to ongoing phone and social media issues with students as well as request from some parents.
From Term 2, 2019:
- All secondary students from Year 7-10 are required to hand their phones to their teacher at 9am. The phones will be placed in a security box in the classroom for the day and will be returned at 3pm.
- Year 11 /12 students are also required to hand their phones to their teacher at 9am but are permitted to access their phones only in the transition building and only at lunchtime. After lunch time the phones will be handed back into the teacher and secured until 3pm
- Phones for school-related activities are at the teacher’s discretion, e.g. Using Google Maps, calculator, P.T.V. planner etc.
- Use of phones on excursions is also at teacher discretion.
- Students may have “music only” devices in the yard at recess and lunch
A reminder that:
Mobile phones and portable technology owned by students are brought to school at their own risk. Students are discouraged from bringing mobile phones and portable technology to school. The DET and Concord School do not accept responsibility for lost or damaged student mobile phones and portable technology, do not hold insurance for personal property brought to schools and will not pay for any loss or damage to mobile phones and portable technology.
If you need to contact your child during the school day this can be done so through the main office. This procedure is consistent with many other secondary schools.
Thank you for your support.
Colin Simpson
Assistant Principal