Acting Principal's Report

End of Term 1
Welcome to the final addition of the Concord Connect for term 1. It has been a very busy term with students as a whole displaying our school expectations and values throughout. I have been very proud to be the acting principal at Concord this term as our staff and students continue to endeavour to ‘be the best they can be’.
Child Safety Standards
The safety of all children is a responsibility we take very seriously. As you know we have placed a spotlight on the child safety standards through this newsletter because we strongly believe that the safety of our children is the responsibility of our entire community.
This week I would like to focus on the third of the seven standards a child safe code of conduct policy. Staff are educated on the code of conduct through the induction process. All new staff are required to agree to the terms of the code of conduct. Members of the school community, volunteers, visitors and contractors are provided with the Concord School code of conduct and directed to the school website for additional information.
Curriculum Day's 2019
As you already know we have had the first two curriculum days for 2019 on the 29th and 30th of January. Curriculum days are used to provide professional learning for staff to keep us updated on best practice and to ensure we can support student learning outcomes. The final two curriculum days will be held on Monday the 3rd of June and Monday the 4th of November. Please be aware that these days are student free days.
Education Week 2019
This year, Education Week will run from Sunday 19 to Saturday 25 May, and the theme is ‘Celebrating Careers’. We will once again celebrate learning during this week. All events will be advertised in this newsletter so please keep an eye out as we would love to have families join us to celebrate student achievement.
Principal Award- Zoe Hill
Zoe is consistently positive and a quiet leader in SKA and SKL. She has brought a lot of inspiration to the PreCAL program as she continues to encourage her peers to do their best and often suggests new ideas for improvement during our class meetings.
Zoe is a helpful student who support her peers during learning time and on the yard. She has worked hard throughout Term One, especially in Literacy.
She has strived to improve her reading and fulfilled a personal goal of presenting at the 9/10 Section assembly.
Acting Principal
Kirrily Lamers