Primary News

Primary Public Speaking Competition

Next week students in years 3-6 will begin to present their speeches to their class. Year 3 and 4 need to talk for between 3-4 minutes, while years 5 and 6 need to speak for 4-5 minutes. All students are required to present a speech on any chosen topic.  Speeches are to be written and rehearsed at home.  Parents are allowed to offer as much support as they can - this can include helping your child to write their speech. Students are encouraged to use palm cards (not pages) during the presentation of their speech.  

Judges will be looking for how well the student, captures and maintains the interest of their audience; makes eye contact; delivers their speech fluently; meets the given time frame and  relies on their notes. 

Science Week 2019

During week 4 students from Kindergarten to Year 6 participated in a variety of investigations to celebrate National Science Week. The theme this year was "Destination Moon; More Missions More Science" to commemorate 50 years since the landing on the Moon. 

To conclude the week there was a paper plane competition. The winners of the longest flight time were Nick Humphreys for K-2 and Hugh Reardon for 3-6

Father's Day

Students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 would like to invite all the fathers, carers and special friends in our lives to the Father's Day Liturgy on Friday 30th August, 2019.


We are saying THANK YOU to all the men who take care of us by having a special liturgy in the church starting at 10.30am. Following the liturgy, you are invited to join the students for morning tea. Remember to pack an extra snack to share. 


We look forward to seeing many fathers, uncles, grandfathers, carers and friends to say THANK YOU!