YEP Estia Aged Care Visit

YEP Aged Care Visit
Last Tuesday, a group of 13 students and 2 staff walked over to the Estia Aged Care Centre to meet the residents and play some games. The class was split into 2 groups which rotated between the high care Memory Unit and the more independent low care residents.
We played board games with the elderly and physical activities with the Memory Care Unit. We got a tour of the aged care facility and chatted to the elderly about where they were born, if they grew up in Melton, and how long they have been at the aged care facility.
It was really interesting learning about how different things were back when they were young like technology and society. It was sometimes difficult to understand what they were saying and sometimes they couldn't hear us. The jobs of the carers and nurses was challenging because most of the elderly can not look after themselves and could be high maintenance.
It was a great experience and I really enjoyed listening to their stories.
Yr 9 YEP