Principal's Report

Principal's Report
At Staughton, we place a strong emphasis on effort leading to success both in and out of the classroom. This involves us promoting the idea of a growth mindset amongst teachers and students alike. Recently, two of our students have received awards that exemplify this ideal. I would like to celebrate them in my report this week.
Daniel Gagovsky was awarded the Josh Lindner Award. This is a new award for students within our VET cluster who have worked through challenges to succeed. Daniel is a very worthy inaugural winner. As a graduate of Staughton in 2017, we look forward to hearing of his further success in his post school career.
Brianna Bezzina recently received an award at the region Celebration of Educational Achievement. We are also proud of her efforts including her general academic work and her work within our YEP program, including organising fundraisers, working with the wider community, and representing the views of her peers to leadership.
We, at Staughton College, would like to show our respect and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is situated, of elders past and present. We extend a warm welcome to everyone who visits our school.