From the Office...

School Tours

School Tours are being held on Mondays & Tuesdays from 9.00 to 10.00am

Please phone the General Office to make an appointment.

Parent/Teacher & Student Interview Day

19th April from 12 noon to 8.00pm

There will be no scheduled classes this day, however students are expected to attend the interviews with their parents.

Parent Car Park

A reminder to parents that the Parent Car Park exit is NO RIGHT TURN at all times.  The car park exit is at the far side of the school oval (ie. towards Bayswater).  The sign has been replaced, so please remember to turn left and avoid a ticket.

General Office

Office hours:    8.15am to 4.30pm

Telephone:      9758 5022


Parents should always make contact with the General Office first when visiting the school or requiring to make contact with their child.

Appointments with teachers must be made via telephone or email directly.


In 2016 our office personnel are:

Penny Niven - Business Manager

Carol Charles - Assistant Business Manager/Principal's PA/Newsletter & Website Editor

Irene Smith - Office Manager

Sharon Cocks - Attendance Officer

Barbara Dwyer - works with Course Selections admin/VASS Admin/First Aid/Uniform Admin

Maureen Sutton - works with Careers Manager & International Students Manager/First Aid/General Admin

Michelle Hodson - Receptionist

We look forward to helping you when you call or visit us.

Student Absences 

9758 5022

Parents are requested to phone the school before 9.00am  if your child will be absent or late due to illness or for any other reason & leave a message after the prompt. Please leave a message outlining the reason for the absence and if known the length of time your child will be away from school. The absence line is operational 24hrs a day, 7 days a week for your convenience.

Parents are encouraged to mark absences on Compass.

If a student arrives at school late they should report to their classroom teacher.

If a student is required to leave school early for any reason they should bring a note from their parent/guardian and record this on Compass.

Staff List & Positions of Responsibility

To make contact with  teachers or staff at Fairhills please use  Compass email.  The attached list will provide the names of Year Level Coordinators, Subject Heads, Managers of Departments & Principals.

School Diaries

School diaries are available from the General Office.  The diaries are compulsory at a cost of $15.

Finance Information

THANK YOU to all families who have responded to the Financial Statements which were emailed late last week.


A reminder that the 3rd and final equal instalment payments for the Subject Requisites are due on 15th April.  If you chose to pay by BPay instalments, please ensure that the final payment is made.


The first two batches of CSEF payments have been credited to the relevant family accounts - these funds may be used for any Camps, Sport activities or excursions.  Please indicate on the individual Consent form that you wish to use the CSEF for that particular activity.  

Students participating in the Presentation Ball should have already finalised all the necessary payments - if this is not the case, please do so on the first day of Term 2.


Please update your contact details with the office if you change phone numbers/address/place of employment. We MAY need to contact you in the case of an emergency.


If your student has a medical alert for ASMTHA,




the school MUST be suppllied with a Management Plan - available from the appropriate website or from the school office.