Quality Improvement Plan

As a service our kinder is now working on Quality Area 3- Physical Environment.

The aim of Quality Area 3 under the National Quality Standard is to ensure that the physical environment is safe, suitable and provides a rich and diverse range of experiences that promote children’s learning and development.

The way that the environment is designed, equipped and organised determines the way that the space and resources are used and has the potential to maximise children’s engagement and level of positive experience and inclusive relationships.

At our last staff meeting we spent time identifying areas for improvement in both our indoor and outdoor environments and making plans for how these improvements can be implemented.

Some of our goals are:

-To install roofing and guttering along the pathway all the way to the second classroom, this will keep the bag area outside dry on rainy days, allow families to stay dry at pick up and drop off times and give us a little more dry outdoor play space on those really rainy days.  Our submission was approved for these works at our last school council meeting and will hopefully be completed these coming school holidays.

-General maintenance was raised as an area for focus as restrictions last year prevented  us from having regular working bees and bringing in tradespeople to complete maintenance works. We are planning a term two working bee and working with the school to address the smaller items of maintenance needing attention.

-we are looking in particular at our outdoor resources to ensure that they are adequate to provide an inclusive and engaging environment for children to engage in active play that supports children's development. For example we need to purchase two smaller bikes for our three year old program and one for the fours as we currently only have one working bike. 

In term two we are engaging an occupational therapist to come assess our facilities and resources to guide our service in making purchases and improvements in this area.


Your feedback, questions or suggestions are gratefully received, if you would like to email us, talk to us in person or leave some feedback on the clipboard in our foyer by our QIP board we would love to hear from you!