Extended Care Program

Hi Extended Care program families!


Children in Extended Care are loving book reading, especially when accompanied by adults. We have been spending a bountiful amount of time for reading books with children this month.  We found that book reading with grown-ups greatly support not only their literacy skill and imagination, but also helped to build their self-regulation skills.  While reading we ask some questions to children about how the character is feeling, why the character is feeling in that way and so on. It helps children to feel connected, calm down by resetting their brain, and to learn life lessons in an imaginative and stimulating way. 

Children often ask for the same book to read. Children have a repetitive behaviour to remember "words" by repeatedly reading and listening to their favourite story. 

The holiday is a great opportunity to spend time with your children by reading books.


We also regularly used themed stickers and drawings to create their imagination world. Children drew various nature as a background for scary dinosaur stickers. After reading “Shark in the Park”, children explored drawing with shark stickers. They really enjoyed talking about their story in their picture. The sticker play also support children's fine motor skill which helps their pencil grip and scissors skill. This is another fun activity you can try during the holiday. Be creative and have fun!


Lastly, a quick and important reminder about pick up time. The Extended Care program finishes at 4.30pm and all children must be collected prior to this time. Late collection of children impacts on staff non-teaching duties and planning. 

If you would like to have a discussion about your child and their time in extended care this cannot be done at the end of the day.  It would be best to come to collect your child a bit earlier as we are unable to stay back after extended care session for these conversations.

Please note that late collection of your child will incur a late fee in line with our fee policy.


Thank you.